6 SEPTEMBER 1940, page 3

More Internment Questions

The more the question of interned aliens is examined the more numerous are its unsatisfactory features seen to be. Perhaps the most serious of all mistakes is the lack of any......

Air-raid Damage

The position of people whose homes are damaged by air raids is thoroughly unsatisfactory, and calls for very early amend- ment. At present, unless there is lack of housing......

800,000 Unemployed

The latest unemployment figures are puzzling, not to say disquieting. At a time when every person's effort is needed there remain about 80o,000 unemployed, including over......

General Smuts' Victory

The vote cast by the South African House of Assembly en Saturday on General Hertzog's " peace with Germany " motion . shows that General Smuts has not merely maintained his peg'......

The Army's Part

In his speech on the anniversary of the war Mr. Eden em- broidered with much rhetorical ornament a thesis which had been set forth in a broadcast not many days earlier by......

America And Food For Europe

Overshadowed though it is by the greater satisfaction which the decision regarding the American destroyers provokes, there is a substantial, though a lesser, satisfaction to be......
