7 DECEMBER 1839, page 1

News Of The Week.

AN electioneering stir is perceritible throughout the country. No- body ventures either to affirm or deny that the Goveinmeitt elm be carried on by any party with the present......

In Arragon And Catalonia The Cat - Lists Appear To Have...

sonic advantages. ESPARTERO has declined a conflict with CA- RRERA, and retreated. The retrograde movement was annOrinced. by CABRERA in a " general order" to his troops,......

The French Capital Has Been In A State Of Excitement,

both from domestic occurrences and disastrous intelligence from Africa. Many "infernal mac:hines " are in Paris, and one of them exploded on the night. of the 28t1l November, in......

The Alert, West India Packet, Has Arrived With Accounts From

Jamaica to the 28th October, and from other islands .a a few day§' earlier date. Sir CHARLES METCAEPE opened the sec - sion of the Jamaica Legislature on the 22d October, with a......

, A Variety Of Intelligence From Canada Rind The United

States : has reached us by the Great Western, which left Now York on the ' I 7th November. Mr. Pin - LETT Tito:Nisi - 1.N was expected in Toronto - about the middle of November;......