7 DECEMBER 1839, page 9

Mr. Rawson Said, If Money Could Not Be Obtained From

the provinces, they must pay another instalment of their own subscriptions. Mr. Charles Walker insisted upon the necessity of some public de- monstration. Mr. Alderman Brooks......

Last Night's Gazette Announces That Sir John Colborne Has...

raised to the Peerage, by the title of "Baron Seaton, of Seaton, in the county of Devon." The Marquis of 13readalbaue has been appointed " Lieu- tenant and Sheriff Principal of......


The Increase In The Delivery Of Letters On Thursday, Under

the new fourpenny postage rate, was 12,000. The average of the General Post delivery for Thursday had been under the old system 36,000 ; on Thursday last the number of letters......


We Have Reason To Believe That The Queen's Approaching...

will give rise to a brevet modelled after the plan of the coronation one of the 28th of Jutte 1838, which following its precursor of the 10th of January 1837, in such rapid......


SATURDAY . The Paris papers of. Thursday are chiefly occupied with statements respecting the disasters in Africa. It has been affirmed that the Go- vernment was in possession of......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. By the recent arrival of the Great Western intelligence of a very favourable character was received from the United States. The dearness of......