7 FEBRUARY 1958, page 17

Sere And Yellow

SIR,—Oh! Please! Reading smugly in Bridget Tis- dall's review on page 140 that Eric Maschwitz is now fifty-five, I noted that Miss Tisdall says he was born in 1910. I was born......

Gallup Poll

SIR,—With reference to your comments on my letter in the last issue may I say two things: (a) In a very important international problem, such as discussions with Russia, there......

The Crisis Of Trade Unionism

SIR,—Mr. Charles Curran's article on 'The Crisis of Trade Unionism' can hardly be left unchallenged, consisting as it does of superficial generalities pro- jetted from premises......

Zrrilp 6nertator

FEBRUARY 9, 1833 THE conduct of the dignitaries of the Church towards their inferiors . in ecclesiastical rank, is too (men apt to be insulting in the extreme. Some of the most......

Teaching History

SIR,—Dr. Plumb's references to the schoolteaching of history (in his review of the EHD 1714-83) are risible. What does he think we teach? 'Addicts of certainties' we 'stumble......

Sewage Disposal

SIR,—Your. correspondent Pamela M. Parsons is rightly concerned at the grave danger to health caused by the dumping of raw sewage in copses and the pol- lution of rivers and......


SK—If I may say so, I think your competitor's 'howler' translation of Cicero's famous description of the departure of Catiline Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit') a little......