7 JANUARY 1854, page 24

Int Farts.

THB PALACE AT SPDENMAM. The visitor to the Crystal Palace can now begin to form an idea of what the place will be when, complete in its construction and adornment— the last pane......

Photociu.apicic Pit:itt:11es.

The Photographic Dxliihitien in NO' Bond Street is one of those sights, rare in number ' affording a pleasure which may fairlybe called intense and unmixed. „Ilit5bairaphy - ha......

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On The 29th O C Cember I Jit Omit Hou*,-crintrin G Ton,...

diti g hter:^- • ` On the 29114._at-Iiirliby_Na.11oiy. .theillon...ussell, of a dau g hter. On the 30t1an,a te V a r ag on, Blackbeath, the Wif e of Macgregor a dau g hter. , On......

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DiseerukaY.L-AlitnetmalPelee",:lianshestertmerettenter- Barbel. an Cm •Padre'Cintrolti;ard,l , nroallem-ehitilliOuirerriele•PaalitsniiMeagardsr:W,end , 1141 Darbei‘aViiteri and......

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