7 JANUARY 1938, page 37

Financial Notes

GOLD RESERVES THE position of the Exchange Equalisation Account on September 30th, disclosed at the end of the year, shows that the Exchange Account between March 31st and......

Gas And Electricity

Shareholders in g as undertakin g s need not worry about the rises in sellin g prices just announced. The increases, an which range between 3 and 4 per cent., have been made......

Design For Investment.

If there is one thin g that does seem clear, it is that a propor- tion of investors' funds should be held in the fixed-interest g roup of securities. Money may seem abnormally......

Finance And Investment

Most investors will have taken their leave of 1 937 without re g rets. The year was one which opened with rare promise. Incipient recovery in the United States offered the hope......

Bank Share Prospects

The decision of the National Provincial Bank to sub-divide its shares into shares of a lower denomination is a step in th e ri g ht direction. A heavy-priced share may help to......