7 JANUARY 1944, page 10

The Theatre Terence Rarrman, Th° Author Of Flare Path And

other successful theatrical pieces, has nothing of any moment to say, but a sense of the theatre and a light touch enable him in his latest comedy, While The Sun Shines, to......

The Pot Ter The Potter Kneads The Stubborn Clay,

Binding it into unity ; Scatters water, kneads again To mollify the obdurate grain And tame and temper to command Of dreaming mind and shaping hand ; Then spins the wheel with......

The Cinema

EVEN Mr. James Agate would be bound to agree that This is the Army is a slice of popular, hand-holding entertainment more suited to Stage than screen. The reason lies not in the......

The Ploughman

I AM the ploughman. In the beginning I scratched the desert with a crooked stick, Coaxing the half-grudged smile of plenty, And I also rejoiced, seeing Earth's quick Abundance.......