7 JULY 1866, page 16

Mr. Griffith And The Derby Reform Meeting. [to The Editor

OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Gerard Street, Derby, July 3, 1866. SIR,—In the Spectator of last Saturday, June 30, there occurs the following sentence :—" Mr. Griffith appears to have......


THE BISHOP OF ARGYLL ON THE PRESENT STATE OF RELIGION.* WE do not know a single bishop in the English Episcopate who could have produced so bold, catholic, and thoroughly......

A Defence Of The Ritualists.

[To THE EDITOR_OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you pardon me for thinking that your article on the Ritualists in last Saturday's Spectator was hardly a good example of the......

Women's Franchise.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am as unwilling as unfitted to enter into anything resembling controversy with your gifted correspondent Miss Cobbe, yet reply seems......

La Terra Dei Morti.

Wno says that our ranks are riven? Who boasts that our legions fled ? We accuse not whose blood was given, We lie where we stood—the dead. The eagle may scream above, The Croat......