7 JULY 2007, page 18

Palestine Chose War

Sir: Mr. Blunt leaves the Conservative Middle East Council looking like it is chaired by a guy who — like his traitorous namesake — has defected from reality in favour of a......

No Dissent

Sir: Jonathan Sumption, in his review of Andrew Marr's A History of Modem Britain (Books, 30 June), identifies an important historical development when he points out that only a......

Cross Reference

Sir: Is it possible gently to demonstrate to your Mr Hugo Rifkind the difference between a cross and a crucifix (Shared opinion, 30 June)? Roderick Adams Eskbank, Midlothian......

Explosive Issue

Sir: You will be tempted to commission another exhibition of panicked paranoia from Melanie Phillips or another hysterical hackette (Gaza is another front in Iran's war on the......

Wilcipedically Correct

Sir: Christopher Howse (Books, 23 June) is quite right in his conclusion about Wikipedia that it is a 'useful tool, if used with judgment'. As a regular user of, and occasional......