7 MAY 1831, page 17

Mrs. Anderson's Concert.

Tuts lady's concert, yesterday morning, was attended by a very crowded audience. Her - performance of anew concerto by klumum., in A b, was excellent, and much applauded ;......

American Missionaries.—the Following Talk Of Some Indians...

tribe was lately published in the Washington Globe. "AN INDIAN TALK. " WAsnmo'rosr Cm', March 5.—We, the Chiefs and Sachems of the Seneca nation of Indians at Sandusky, Ohio,......

Mr. F. Cramer's Concert.

THE announcement of Fitaxcom CRAMER'S concert is a signal to all the first instrumentalists of London to meet their respected leader in the orchestra ; and it ought similarly to......

Mr. Moscheles' Concert.

NOTWITHSTANDING the disadvantage which all benefit concerts have to encounter, in consequence of the absence of families from town, and the concentration of public attention on......

The Chevalier Neukomm's Oratorio, "the Ten Commandments."

ANOTHER performance of this oratorio took place at the meeting of the Classical Harmonists Society, 'on Thursday evening, to a crowded au- dience of the Members and their......