7 MAY 1881, page 3

The Dinner Of The Royal Academy, Held This Day Week,

was a. sufficiently brilliant oue, Sir Frederick Leighton, as usual, showing a singular tact and judgment in his choice of speakers, and the skill with which he drew them out.......

Mr. Carlyle Has Been The Subject Of Three Interesting...

to the Times during the past week. In one published on Wednes- day, Professor Tyndall bears witness to Carlyle's very great interest in physical science, especially in relation......

The Rise In Consols, Duo Partly To The Large Purchases

by the Treasury, partly to the abundance of money, but chiefly to the slackness of trade, has become a marked financial fact. Consols on Thursday touched 102} for money, being......

Yesterday Week, Mr. Gladstone Made A Very Striking Speech In

reply to Mr. Richard, who very nearly defeated the Govern- ment—though in a very thin house—on a resolution declarisg that the unauthorised action of our foreign representatives......

Another Speech Of Singular Grace Was That Of Matthew Arnold,

whom Sir Frederick Leighton described as "a most happy poet, and a critic not to be surpassed, if ho is equalled, iu the subtle felicities of his insight, a writer in whom a......

The Thanks Of Both Houses Of Parliament Were On Thursday

voted to the soldiers engaged iu the Afghan war. The war was a bad one, immoral in object, reckless in management ; but that was no demerit or business of the soldiers. They did......

Consols Were On Friday 101 1 To 102.


The House Of Commons Has Abolished Distraint For The Rent

of agricultural holdings. That is to say, no Bill has been passed, but the House, on Tuesday, resolved, after an important debate, without a division, that distraint should be......