7 MAY 1932, page 3

Faster Trains

It is somewhat of a paradox that in this age of speed, when the drivers of motor-cars, motor-boats and aero- planes are for ever establishing fresh records, our leading railways......

The Drama In Hammersmith

After fourteen years Sir Nigel Mayfair is to end his association with the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith. Henceforth he will devote himself to muting, and oecasion- ally to......

Cotton Trade Troubles •

Einployers and employed in the cotton trade are notoriously hard bargainers. It is none the less ominous that the refusal of the trade unions to make any concessions in respect......

Bank Rate 8 Per Cent., Changed From 31 Per Cent.

on April 21st, 1932. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101* ; on Wednesday week, 1 al ix.d• ; a year ago, 102 8, Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Nifednesday 98} ; on......

The Cinema Bill

It is unfortunate that the Sunday Perform (Regulation) Bill, wide!' got its second reading by a majority of 18 on April Utth, seems doomed to founder in Standing Committee as a......

Sunday At The Zoo

Faced, like Most similar institutions, with a serious loss of revenue, the Zoological Society of London may have to consider the expedient of Sunday opening as a means of......

A Mischievous Canard

As might have been expected by 'anyone who read them, the reports in two London papers, on Monday, of an imminent Polish coup (rad at Danzig turned out to be complete canards.......