7 NOVEMBER 1835, page 4

On Wednesday Week, The Electors Of Ross And Cromarty Enter-

tained their Member, Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, at a public dinner at Ding- wall ; Mr. Roderick Macleod, M. P., in the chair. Mr. Mackeezie deli- vered what may be called a very......

The Ceremony Of Laying The First Stone Of The New

church, now erect. big at Dorking, Surry, took place a few days since. The Bishop of Winchester was present at the ceremone, and laid the stone. Lord Francis Egerton has given......

Five Persons Were Killed, And Three Houses Reduced To Ruins,

by an explosion of gunpowder, which occurred on Wednesday week, on the premises of a fireworks-manufacturer, named Wood, at Holbeck, one mile from Leeds. Wood employed three......

A Few Days Ago, A Fire Broke Out In The

dwelling-house of Griffiths, a masen, in the parish of Beguildy, Radnorshire. Every article of household furniture was destroyed, and a little girl of five years of iaa: was......


The Commissioners of Supply for Haddingtonshire met on Tin-- day week ; the Marquis of Tweeddale in the chair. The only topic a discussion was the Land-tax Collection Act ;......

A Ease Which Occurred In A Neighbouring County Last Week,

has re- minded us of the claims of the Squire-Magistrates on public attention. It was an appeal with regard to the licence of a public-house. The Bench divided ; when there......