8 APRIL 1871, page 3

It Seems That As The London School Board Will Derive

certain of its funds from other sources than the rates, it has power, if it chooses, to aid the denominational schools out of each funds, and on Wednesday a great discussion......

Mary Ann Folkard, Wife Of City Constable Folkard, Seems To

be the victim of very cruel circumstances. It is the rule of the City Police that constables must live in the City, but so many poor .dwellings have been pulled down that......

In Vienna They Are Talking Of A Schism, To Be

led by Dr. Dollinger, who sticks to his refusal to accept the new dogma of the Pope's infallibility when speaking ex cathedra, and has offered to prove before the German......

The Rev. Dr. Edmond, Who Moved The Principal Resolution, Is

reported as having reminded his hearers " of Saul when returning from smiting the Amalekites," and of his saying to Samuel, ' I have performed the commandment of the Lord.' The......

An " Indignation " Meeting Summoned To Protest Against The

conduct of the House of Lords in throwing out a bill which the House of Commons has so frequently passed as it has the Bill for legalizing marriage with a deceased wife's......

On Friday Week The " Presumption Of Law " By

which a woman supposed to act under her husband's influence in committing a -crime wherein the husband takes part, was attacked by Mr. Osborne Morgan, and a somewhat rambling......

There Was Rather An Angry Little Sputter Of County Members

on Monday night before the second reading of the Ballot Bill,—pro- perly called " The Elections' (Parliamentary and ,Municipal) Bill," as it deals with other parts of the......

Consols Were On Thursday 92/ To 921.
