8 AUGUST 1908, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE news from Turkey is as bewildering, as sensational, and, we fear we must add, as Utopian as ever. Up till now the Turkish people generally, including the mob at Con-......

Disastrous Forest Fires Have Ravaged An Area Of A Hundred

and fifty square miles in Eastern British Columbia. The mischief is attributed to long drought in the forests a hundred miles north of the National Park, near Banff, where fires......

It Is Pleasant To Note That Sir Gerard Lowther, The

British - Ambassador, who presented his credentials to the Porte on Thursday afternoon, was exceedingly well received by the large crowds in the street. Kiamil Pasha, the new......

We Cannot Help Wishing, Though We Fear It Is A

vain wish, that the real depositaries of 'power in Turkey at the moment., whom we take to be the Young Turks of the Army, would try an experiment in revolution, and make up......

The General Strike Threatened By The General Confedera-...

Labour in consequence of the attitude of the Govern- ment towards the French Anti-Militarist Labour Party has proved a complete failure. A minority of the compositors, coerced......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any
