8 DECEMBER 1973, page 4

The Cost Of Acquittal

Sir: I would like to draw attention to the case of thirty-four year old Mr Geoffrey Ayling who in September of this year was acquitted at the Chichester Crown Court of a charge......

Scottish Nationalists

Sir: I agree with Mrs Ewing (Letters. December 1), though I think Mayo McDonald's personal merits as a candidate also has something to do with the Govan result. It might be......

Students And Politics

Sir: Hurrah for the silent majority, the ordinary citizen and Rhodes Boyson (December 1)! A day of retribution is coming, says he, presumably when the ordinary citizen and long......

Fan Letter

Sir: Your editorial of November 24 was the most brilliant political commentary I have ever read. But how the hell can we make Heath, Walker and company take any notice? I'm just......

Writers And Payments

:Sir: From my point of view as an author, I naturally regret that Bookbuyer should have heard somehow and reported the Granada hardback division's dilatoriness in paying me for......