8 JUNE 1872, page 3

In The Course Of His Speech On The Alabama Claims,

Lord Russell, as usual, became historic, and went back to his own share in the Trent Affair, declaring that when he demanded the rendi- tion of Messrs. Slidell and Mason, he......

The Controversy Between Mr. Vernon Harcourt And The...

but the Member for Oxford is growing mild. He now admits that we should not be quite defended enough with 30,00() Infantry, and advises an expenditure of 11,000,000 on a fleet......

The English-speaking World Heard With Regret On Tuesday...

death of Charles Lever, the novelist, at Trieste. Mr. Lever attained popularity chiefly through his Irish novels, which de- lighted all young men by their adventures, their......

The Times States That It Was Lord Haling Who Terminated

the very dangerous struggle for influence between England and France in the matter of the Suez Canal. Lord Palmerston had an idea that the Canal would make of India a......

The Lords Had An Irish Debate Of Some Importance On

Monday. Lord Lifford is under the impression that the Civil Bill Courts in Ulster give tenants who claim compensation too much money, and instanced one case in Donegal in which......

The Scotch Education Bill Is Going Favourably To The Govern-

ment. At least Mr. Gordon's first resolution for carrying out his narrow scheme for foisting "The Shorter Catechism" on all Scotch schools was defeated on Thursday night by 44......

A Correspondent, A Propos Of A Recent Article In This

journal upon Drinkables, tells us that Kouiniss, the preparation of milk used by the Tartars, is made in this country. The recipe is published in the Pharmaceutical Journal, and......

The Irish Catholic Bishops Have Put Out A Very Eloquent

address to the Catholics of Dublin on the subject of Judge Keogh's Galway charge. In it they do not deny, and by impli- cation almost admit, the religious interference of the......

A Correspondent Tells Us That There Was No Fight At

Yaxley between farmers and labourers. Was there a fight of any kind ? We took the statement from a report in the Standard, which appeared to be authentic, and was full of......

Consols Were On Friday 92i To 92i For Money.


The Movement In Favour Of English Tenant-right Seems To Make

some progress. At a large meeting held on Tuesday, called by the Central Chamber of Agriculture, very bitter speeches were made in favour of extending the Irish Act to Eng-......