8 SEPTEMBER 1832, page 10


Mr. Kennedy, Clerk of the Ordnance, is appointed one of the Lords of the Treasury, in the room of Lord Nugent. Colonel Fox succeeds to the Clerkship of the Ordnance. By the......

Earl Mulgrave Arrived In Jamaica On The ‘26th July, And

was sworn in on the :2Stii with the customary ceremonies. The Jamaica papers cf the 28th July mention an alleged attempt to set fire to Kingston, but give no particulars. The......

Tiie New Custonis.—the Following Is A List Of The Articles,

with the quantities of each, which may now be shipped from bonded warehouses free of duty. Tea t oz., or Coffee It oz., Cocoa I oz. per day, for each person on board. Wino, 1......

Song Of The Departing Spirt 0,f Tithe.

BY TICE EDITOR OF CAPTAIN ROCK'S 3IEMOIRS. " The parting Genius is with sighing sent."—Muacrif. [From the Metropolitan Magazine for September.] It is o'er, it is o'er, my reign......