9 APRIL 1842, page 2

Nothing Has Occurred To Alter Our Estimate Of Sir,roneat...

position ; but the events of the week have rather confirmed it. The alterations of the Corn and Provision laws have called forth loud complaints, and sometimes bitter threats......

Debates An Vroceerfings In Varliatitatt.

THE NEW FINANCE MEASURES. Soon after the reassembling of the House on Monday, Mr. RAIKES CURIUE rose to put a question to Sir Robert Peel, on the answer to which would depend......

The Indian Mail Brings No Relief To The Disastrous News

which the last conveyed, but confirmation of the worst. Nearly six thousand British troops, with a larger number of camp-followers, have been destroyed. Criticism has been......

The Revenue Accounts For The Year And Quarter Ending The

5th of April have been published. They are not more unfavourable than was to be expected from the general state of the national finances. On the year, indeed, there has been an......