9 NOVEMBER 1839, page 5


Little interest was excited by the municipal elections in Edinburgh. The Tories gained one member and lost one, and the strength of par. ties remains the same. In Glasgow the......


In a letter to the Bishop of Exeter closing his correspondence with that Prelate on the subject of Education, Lord John Russell says—" I confess I am not sanguine as to the......

The Queen Has Given 50/. To The Leicestershire Lunatic...

Admiral Sir Henry Trollope, G.C.B., who was in his eighty-fourth year, shot himself on Monday, at Bath, "in a moment of temporary derangement." A few days ago, a letter appeared......

In Consequence Of Information Which Had Reached The...

Paris, that many persons who had formerly belonged to secret societies were in the habit of assembling clandestinely, and that they were manufacturing powder, cartridges, and......

At This Dull Season Of Politics, The Following Extract From

the Paris journal L'Oulrenter, which we reprint verbatim et literatiin, with all its mistakes, from the Ni"gueialeut of the 1st instant, may entertain some of our readers. "......