9 NOVEMBER 1850, page 10

A Land In Ireland.

IRRLAND is passing through a regenerative process. She is becoming Young Ireland indeed : she is dipped in the caldron, and the Encumbered Estates Commissioners, in passing her......

Confusion Of Tongues In The Babel Of 185l.

THE Crystal Palace in Hyde Park is suggestive of many old memories. Its rapid progress sets one to think of Aladdin's palace. Its material reminds us of the palace of......

Ifie Question Of Prices.

SOME of the German fabricants object to send articles to the Great Industrial Exhibition unless with the prices affixed; considering that from the lower wages paid in Germany......

Vacant Pedestals Of London.

" NATURE abhors a vacuum," according to the Aristotelians. It may not be easy to define what was meant by this postulate, or what may be the precise sensation of Nature from......