On the 30th March, at Letunington, the Lady of Alexander Campbell, Esq., of Monzie, of a son and heir, who died on the 3d instant.
On the 1st April, the Lady Ashley, of a daughter.
On the 2d, at Southsea, the Lady of Captain E. G. Fanshawe, R.N., of a son.
On the 4th, in Mansfield Street, the Hon. Mrs. Hall, of a daughter.
On the 4th, in Chesham Place, Beigrave Square, the lion. Mrs. Hamilton, of a son.
On the 5th, at riorffichurch Rectory, ilerts, the Lady ot' Sir J. EL C. Seymour, Bart.,
of a son.
On the 5th, in Gloucester Place, Lady Colthurst, of a son, still-born.
On the 5th, in Hamilton Place, Viscountess Brackley, of a son and heir. On the 5th, at Writtle, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. Alexander Fletcher, D.D , of a daughter.
On the 8th, the Lady of the Hon. W. A'Court Holmes, M.P., of a daughter.
On the 24th September, at Wellington, New Zealand, Edward William Stafford, Esq., eldest son of Berkeley-Buckingham Stafford, Esq., of Mayne, County Louth, to Emily Charlotte, only daughter of Colenel William"Wakelield. On the tills February, at TrichinOpplY,' Captain K. Wh'stler, Madras Artillery, Deputy Judge-Advocate-General of that army, to Helen Hamilton, eldest daughter of Major John Fulton, of the Madras Army, and of Jersey. On the 3d April, at Plurastead Church, Captain Hill, of the Royal Regiment of Ar- tillery, only son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, of the Royal Regiment, to Rose Leigh, only daughter of Baal Heron Goldie, Esq., of Goldie Leigh Lodge.
• an the6th, at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, Alexander Shank, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, eldest sou of Henry Shank, Esq , of Glouoester Place, and Castled& Fifestdre, to Harriett Georgiana, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dundas Camp- bell, of Norffiend House, Hants.
On the 6th, at Boldre, Hants, Captain Alexander Cameron, Forty-second Royal High- landers, to Caroline Laura, eldest daughter of the late Major-General Sir Charles Ashworth, K.C.B., K.T.S.
On the 6th, at Brighton. the Bev. Alexander I'. Birrell, M.A., of Sidney College, Cantbridge, to Mary Ann Catherine, second daughter of the Rev. the Precenter Of Chichester and the Hon. Mrs. Holland.
On the 7th, at Clifton, Charles Massingberd, Esq., eldest son of the late Rev. C. B. klassingberd, Reeder of Kettlethorpe, Lincoinshini, to Lacy, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Keary; Hector of Nunnington, Yorkshire. On the 8th, at St. Paul's, Hammersmith, Edward Alfred, eldest son of Edward Cow- Per, Esq., of King's College, London, to Juliana, youngest daughter of the late Benja- min Hanson, Esq., of Hammersmith.
On the 8th, at St. James's, Piccadilly, Lord Alfred Paget, kf.P., fourth surviving son tette Marquis of Anglesey, to Miss Cecilia Wyndham, second d .ughter of the Countess of Listowell, by her Ladyship's first husband, George Thomas Wyndham, Esq., of Cro- mer Hall, Norfolk.
On the 8th, at Nettleham Church, Lincolnshire, the Rev. Alexander LeslieBrombead, to Susan, second daughter of the Bishop of Lincoln. On the 8th, at Hydal, Aldred Twining, Esq., of Bedford Place and Grey', Ian, to
Mary, second daughter of the late Thomas Arnold, D.D., Regina Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford, and Head Master of Rugby School.
On the 30th March, at Bath, the Rev. W. P. Borrett, Rector of Siston, Gloucester- shire; in his 45th year.
On the 34 April, in Westlxarne Terrace, Louisa Anne, the Wife of Major-General Brotherton ; in her 45th year.
On the 3d, at Paris, John Parkinson, Esq., F.R.S., late her Britannic Majesty's Con- sul to the Republic of Mexico.
On the 3d, at Shute House, Devonshire, Sir William Templer Pole, Bart.; table 65th year.
On the 4th, at Haslemere, P. Williams, Esq., late of KIneton, Warwickshire; In his 95th year.
On the 5th, Baldwin Duppa Duppa, Esq., of Hollingbourne House, and Walmaynee Hall, Kent, a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant ; in his 85th year.
On the 5th, in Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, the Right Hon. Joseph Plants; In his 60th year.
On the 6th, at Farley Hall, Staffordshire, John Bill, Esq.; in his 90th year.
On the 6th, at Teigninouth, Devon, Harriet, Relict of the late Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Phillips, of Lyndhurst.
Lately, at Warneford Place, Highworth, Wilts, the Hon. Elizabeth Warneford, Relict of the late Colonel Warneford.