ARErvED-At Gravesend, 4th April, Wm. Parker, Stratton, from Mauritius ; 5th, Marmion, Ewing, from Manila ; and Robert Clive, Mercer, from Mauritius ; 6th, S. Boddington, Naylor, from Calcutta; and Lady Flora Hastings, Wetherell, from Mauri- tius; 7th, Gemini, Bean, from Calcutta ; Eith. Marquis of Bute, Bannatyne, from China. Off Margate, 8th, Oriental, Wilson, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 1st, Menzies, Whittem, from China; 3d, Iliudostan, Lamb, from Bombay; 5th, Queen, Dewy, front Calcutta; 7th, Casslopea, Hodgson, from Singapore; and 8th, Isabella Watson, Thomp- son, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 5th, Victory. Potter, from Bombay. At Cork, 1st, John Bull, Crawford, from Moulmein. At Sunderland, 1st, Toronto, Simpson, from Moulmein. At Cochin, 18th February, Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Holton, from Lon- don. At Sydney, 10th December, Lady Rowena. -, from Liverpool. At Port Philip, 23d November, Elizabeth, Ramsay, from Liverpool.
SAILED-From Gravesend, let April, John Fleming, Hamlin, for Sydney ; and Alver- ton, Buckland, for Calcutta ; 2d, British Sovereign, Cow, for Adelaide ; 5th, Diadem, Vidler, for the Cape ; 6th, Bucephalus, Small, for Penang; and China, Fergusson, for Madras ; and 8th, Chebar, Harrison, for Bombay.
SATURDAY 31OHNING. Amnon:I-In the Downs, 9th April, Palatine, Stubbs, from Calcutta ; and Thomas myth, ,Thompson, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, 15111 Feb. Orissa, Smith, from Bombay ; 21st, Athol, Lang ; Royal Sovereign, Beery; and Robert Pulaford,-; from Calcutta; Sea Park, Humphries ; and Athenian, Poyntz, from Madras.