Tuesday, April 6.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.—Lambert and Andrew, Hull, ship-brokers—J. Lam- bert and Co. Hull, dealers in ship-stores—A. Lambert and Co. Hull, fruit-merchants —Clegg and Co. Heywood, cotton-spinners; as far as regards T. and Richard Clegg —Thornton and Rilliek, Ludgate Hill, hosiers—J. and H. N. Burrell, Wakefield-, chemists—liarvey and Martin, Chacewater, Cornwall, dealers in mundin—Lawley and Pocock, Oxford Street, wine-mcrchants—M•Coy and Hanson. Union, blanches- ter,etaery-nianufacturers—llynes and Popham, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, surgeons— J. and H. J. Walker, Bath, chemists—Spafford and Co. Manchester, commission- agents—Branson and Billinge, Bradford, Yorkshire, confidential medical advisers— Sands and Co. Liverpool, commission-agents—Cartwright and Co. Ordsall, Notting- hamshire, paper-manufacturers—Waterhouse and Co Liverpool, merchants—Gra- ham and Gray Arthur Street West, wine-merchants—Farrer and.Clare, Manchester, tin-plate-workera—liughea and Parry, Liverpool, drapers—J. and J. Dalton, Al- mondbury, joiners—Howard and Co. Oxford Street, cheesemongers—Thompson and Simmons, Blackman Street, brush-manufacturers—Finnis and Co. Lime Street, ship. store-merchants-Husham and Jackson, Lincoln's Inn Fields, solicitors-Branford and Palmer, Smithtown, Suffolk, millers-Sambourne and Bell, St. Paul's Church- yard, furriers-Pilkington and Soo, Bury, woollen-manufacturers ; and Pilkington and Co. Bury, cotton-spinners-J. and W. Machell. Preston, corn-merchants-Arter and Douglas. Bath, tailors-Naudet and Gillet, Albany Street, Regent's Park, cooks -Norris and Co. Huddersfield, manufacturers-Bates and Co. Halifax, millwrights -Bures and Howell, Norwood, butchers-Eccles and Stock, Ashton in Hacker- field, Lancashire, coal-proprietors ; as far as regards A. Stock-Hotine, Brothers, Lime Street Paaiage, Lime Street, ;fishmongers-Milligan and Co. Liverpool, mer- chants. BAmitarrrs.-Hrsrav Snmsox, St. Nest's, bootmaker, to surrender April 16, May 14: solicitor, Atkinson, Swan Chambers. Gresham Street; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-LIENRY Woaws, Blackfriara Road, bootmaker, April 16, May 14: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Canaan, Alder- maribury-Tuoicui BOLL, Greenwich, innkeeper, April 16, May 22: solicitors, M‘Leod and Cann, Temple; Cook, Greenwich, and Furuival's Inn; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-SAMUEL, HATNES, London Street, Paddington, wheel- wright, April 14, May 14: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street - HENRY NORMAN BARNES, Margaretting, Essex, milkman, April 17,May 21: solicitor, Duffield, Devonshire Street, Bishops- gate; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street- Isaac Timings, Dudley, chartermaster, April 17, May 8: solicitor, Boddington, Dudley; official assignee, Valpy. Birmingham—Wm...tam Wituams, Pontnewynydd, Monmouthshire. won- manufacturer, April 20, May 18: solicitor, Herat:I.:Bristol; official assignee, Hut- ton, Bristol — JOTIX Mrronecr. and EDWARD CLARKs0:4, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners, April 22, May 28: solicitors, Northwood, Bradford ; Courtenay and Compton, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Gannon CHADWICK, Leeds, grocer, April 20, May 10: solicitor, Upton, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds- TmostAs WOOD, Northwich, grocer, April 16, May 13: solicitors, Holt and Rowe, Liverpool; official assignee, Tamer, LiverpooL DIVIDENDS.—April 24, Lane, High Street, Marylebone. tailor-April 24, Holloway, Ryde, Isle of Wight, bookseller-April 29, Tratt, Berners Street, plumber-April 29, Common, North Shields, draper-April 29, Standish, Leeds, pacer -Mar 5, Ash- Hull, woollen-draper-May 26, Foreman and Frew, Hull, joiners-April 27,Cole, Birkenhead, estate-agent-April 27, Wilkinson and Bentley, Liverpool, tailors- April 28, Pryde and Co. Liverpool, sail-makers. CERTIFICATES.— To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-April 27, Broome, Haymarket, victualler-April 30, Walker and Webb, Oxford Street, india-rubber-warehousemen-April 39, Brockwell, Old Broad Street, merchant-April 30, Laslett, Ash-next-Sandwich, Kent, dealerin hay-April 28, Har- rison, Frith Street, Soho Square, ironmonger-April 29, Bartlett, Upper Thames Street, wine-merchant-April 29, Hartridg,e, Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Kent, draper-May 5, Arnold, Elmore, Gloucestershire, timber-dealer-April 28, Ward, Bruton, Somersetshire, silk-throwster-April 30, Wilson, Nottingham, hotel-keeper -April 30, Hawkins, Heage, Derbyshire, seedsman. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—Hill, Woolwich, money-scrivener ; first div. of 2s. Apri120, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Gaudiano and Co. Great St. Helen's, merchants ; first div, of sp. April 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Van den Ende, Strood, woolstapler; second div. of Mi. April 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Sal- keld, Basinghall Street, warehouseman • first div, of la. 9d. April 20, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Nicholson, BasingbaliStreet-Megarey, Long Lane, Billingsgate, coal-merchant; sixth div. of 31d. April 8, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stans- feld, Basinghall Street-Alderson, Great Marlborough Street, pewterer; fourth div. of Is. 6d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham. Coleman Street -Cove, Hornehurch, builder ; sec. div. of 9d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Seymour, Downham, Cambridgeshire, grocer; first din. of 3s. sp. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Cole- man Street-Browning, Whitstable, grocer ; first dry. of ls. t3d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Craven, Birkenhead, road- maker ; div. of 9d. April 7, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool -Glenny, Liverpool, corn-merchant ; sec. dry. of Id. and Is. Id. on new proofs, April 7, or any subsequent Wednesday; Turner, Liverpool.
Scorers SwauEsraAnoms.-Williamson, Leith, spirit-dealer, April 9, May 3- Campbell. Edinburgh, jeweller, April 14, May 12-Wilson, Glasgow, merchant, April 13, May 4-51`Ewan, Glasgow. muslin-manufacturer, April 15, May 6-M'In- tyre, Perth, painter, April 12, May 3.
_Priddy, April 9.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.—Ridley and Co. Bury St. Edmund's, coal-merchants- G. and H. Scarlett, Huddersfield, stone-merchants-Dawton and Co. Aller, paper- makers-Lawe and Sidgreaves, Preston, bankers-Duckworth and Co. Manchester, engravers ; as far as regards J. Mason-Terrys and Harrisona, Birstal, coal- owners-Naudet and Gillet, Albany Street, cooks-E. and F. Gadd, Chichester, grocers-Parsons and Terrill, Diddington Place, Islington, tin-plate-workers-Hey- wood and Holmes, Bingley, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners -Pountney and Cranstone, Webber Street, iron-founders-Fearfield and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers- Doucet and Co. Regent Street, shirt-makers-Marsden and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, brass-moulders ; as far as regards J. W. Marsden-Philbrick and Tate, Louth, sur- geons-Tolls and Reeve, Hildersham, millers-W. and T. Newey, Wolverhampton, grocers-Reeve and Nichols, Heathcock Court, Strand, printers-Ralph and Sped. ding, Liverpool, wood-hoop-makers - Horwood and Watkins, Upper Seymour Street, copper-plate-printers-G. and C. G. Chapman, Brewer Street, wine-mer- chants-Repton and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, grocers ; as far as regards J. Bepton -.J. and A. Mallinson, Hillhouse, Huddersfield, cloth-merchants-Robinson and Austin, King Street, Holborn, wine-merchants - Barber and Moon, Mark Lane, merchants-The Aberdeen Fire and Life Assurance Company, the Northern As- surance Company, the North of Scotland Banking Company, the Aberdeen Sea As- surance Company, the Aberdeen Commercial Company, the Aberdeen Rope and Sail Company; W. Hood and Co. Aberdeen, ship-builders ; Watt and Co. Aber- deen, blacksmiths; the Aberdeen Gaslight Company, and the Aberdeen Herald Newspaper and Printing Company; as far as regards W. Donald jun.-M`Kenzie and Crawford, Glasgow, general house-furnishers. Ressmorrs.-CosurrAwr CHAMPION, Fenchurch Street, merchant, to surrender April 16, May 13: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-SAMUEL Trucirmrr, Victoria Stone Wharf, Isle of Dogs, stone-merchant, April 19, May 22: solicitor, Mr. Cox, Pinners' Hall, Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Tr:COMAS BARTON LAWRENCE, Parliament Street, zinc-dealer, April 19, May 22: solicitors, Stevenson and Ley, Vic- toria Street, Holborn Bridge ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Tiro- sus COWDRRY, Brighton, wine-merchant, April 20, May 17: solicitors, Link- laters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JosErm and WILLIAM WILLisms, Golynos and Varteg, Monmouthshire, shopkeepers, April 26, May 24: solicitor, Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol.
Divnamins.-April 30, Gray, Great Tower Street, builder-April 30, Davis, Wind- mill Street, livery-stable-keeper-April 30, Woolf and Lyons, Cripplegate Buildings, umbrella-manufacturers-April 30, Johnson and Cole, Great Winchester Street, merchants-May 7, Long, Vere Street, Oxford Street, importer of foreign lace-May 7, R. and T. Allison, Dean Street, Soho. pianoforte-manufacturers-May 6, Westley, Playhouse Yard, bookbinder-May 7, Elliott, Aylesbury, grocer-April 30, Bonnet, Mark Lane, wine-merchant-May 1, DI'Dowall, Pemberton Row, Gough Square, printer-May 1, Ballingall, Edward Street, Portman Square, pianoforte-maker- April 30, Boxall, Brighton, coach-maker-May 14, Palmer, Bristol, wine-merchant- April 30, Parker, Goosnargh-with-Newsharn, Lancashire, innkeeper-May 5, Harris, Camborne, Cornwall, grocer-May 4, Bacon, Walton, Somersetshire, tailor-May 4, Boobbyer, Tavistock, ironmonger-May 5, Gundry, Goldsithney, Cornwall, mer- chant-April 30, Jackson, Nottingham, butcher-May I, Morris, Stourbridge, grocer -April 30, Ashmall, Liverpool, merchant-April 30, Baynes, Leeds, flax-spinner- May 10, Dyson, Wakefield, grocer-April 30, Hodson, Rornford, ironmonger.
CEarwicArms.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nieeting.-May 6, Barnes, Thaxted, Essex, surgeon-May 1, Burtenshaw, South- wark Bridge Road, builder-April 30, Bateman and Ilardwicke. Carey Street, Lin- coln's Inn, printers-May 1, Spencer, Holland Street, Blackfriars Bridge, mustard- manufacturer-April 30, Palmer, Brentford, brewer-May 10, Williams and Co. Newport, Monmouthshire, bankers-May 1, Sherlock and Sutterby, Hulme, Lanca- shire, joiners-May 3, Blanes, Falsgrave, cloth-merchant. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—Foakes, Mitcham, land-surveyor; first div. of Is. 11d. Apra 10, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-J. and J. Rhodes, Bochdale, cotton-spinners ; first div. of 5s. 111d. any Tuesday ; Mackenzie, Manchester-Robson, South Shields, boat-builder ; div. of 5s. 3d. in addition to a dry. of 43. 6d. previously declared, April 17, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. &oxen SEQUEsTRATIONIL—Davidson, Leven, grocer, April 15, May 6-Simpson, Glasgow, coal-master, April 14, May 5-Paterson, Killeomm, farmer, April 15, May 7 -11'Pherson, Dingwall, hotelkeeper, April 14, May 5-Allan and Lightbody, gow, cabinet-makers, April 14, May 5--Maclareo, Glasgow, provision-merchant, April 12, May 5-Baird, Glasgow, innkeeper, Apra 14, May 19-111•Robert, Dues. fries, bookseller, April 19, May 10-Lesslie, Edinburgh, hay-dealer, April 14, Slay 5,