Prince Bismarck was sixty on the 1st of April, and
received a perfect deluge of congratulations on that event, most of them, like that from Leipsic, specially congratulating him on his courage in encountering the Papacy. This address asserted that Germany, " honestly vindicating a creed based upon the laws of logic and the results of science, presents a phalanx that cannot be broken through." We suspect the "laws of logic and the results of science " taken alone would present a very poor resistance indeed to any real faith, however simple. Germany under Luther made a far more formidable stand against the Papacy than Germany under Bismarck and Buchner is likely to do. We do not, of course, intend to imply that Bismarck himself accepts or values the alliance of the scientific Materialista, but unquestionably he owes much of his popularity to their enthusiasm for his methods, —and equally unquestionably those methods smack of true materialism, though it be the materialism of statesmanship.