10 APRIL 1875, Page 2

The Emperor of Austria arrived in Venice on the 4th

inst., and was magnificently received, the whole city turning out in his honour. Processions were organised on the Grand Canal, the great square was illuminated, and the Emperor was welcomed at a series of State entertainments. Victor Emanuel,—who is of the House of Hapsburg, being the son of an Archduchess,—and his guest are said to have been cordially agreed on some points of policy, and at a grand dinner on the 5th the King of Italy drank to the health of " my illustrious guest, brother, and friend," and the Emperor responded with a toast to "my brother and dear friend," and "to the well-being and prosperity of Italy." The last sentence was not required by etiquette, and has delighted the Italians, who have a traditional dread of the power which so long held a paramount influence among them. The Foreign Ministers of both States were present, and had frequent conferences. The cordiality manifested by the two Sovereigns seems somewhat to have annoyed Berlin.