The Candahar correspondent of the Times telegraphs on April 5th
that Lord Lytton has written to Shere Au, the Afghan Governor of Candahar, stating that "her Majesty has been pleased to confer on him the sovereignty of the province of Can- dahar, with limits to be fixed hereafter, with the title of Wall." As her Majesty has not annexed Candahar, and no treaty gives her control over its destinies, and Parliament is only aware of an expedition to Candahar, Lord Lytton, if the telegram were accurate, would seem to have stretched his authority. We believe, however, it will be found that the word " sovereignty " is not used in its European sense ; that Shere Al's authority is only made absolute, and not independent—a common enough arrangement in Asia, and not unknown in Russia—and that nothing in the letter prevents the " Wali " from taking his orders from any Ameer whom we may ultimately recognise. In any case, any authority conferred by the Viceroy proprio molts and without treaty can be annulled by his successor.