[To TEL EDITOR OF TEL " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The Concert of Europe has outdone itself. English- men thought that when the Imperial Powers left unavenged the massacres perpetrated at Constantinople before the very eyes of their Ambassadors, and prevented England from avenging them, there were no lower depths of humiliation into which they could sink. But the events now occurring prove that we are wrong. There were still lower depths, and into these they have descended, and are dragging their consorts
along with them into the mire. They been shelling the Cretans for fighting for their liberty and for union with their Mother-country. And now, like bullying giants, they are using their Goliath strength to blockade little Greece, in the ignoble desire of humbling her for having presumed to be brave, when they had all shown the white feather.—I am,