MAGAZINES AND SEELAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for April
: — The Century, Scribner's Magazine, St.
Nicholas, the New Review, Macmillan's Magazine, India, Review of Reviews, Biackwood's Magazine, the Cornhill Magazine, Harper's Magazine, the United Service Magazine, the Art Amateur, the Girl's Own Paper, the Metaphysical Magazine, Temple Bar, Lippincott',, Knowledge, English Illustrated Magazine, the Quiver, Good Words, the Humanitarian, the Sunday at Home, the Progressive Review, the Windsor Magazine, the Expository Times, Belgravia, Baconiana, To-Morrow, the Forum, Travel, Chapman's Magazine, the Woman at Home, the Anglican Church Magazine, the Boy's Own Paper, the Encyclopedia of Sport, the Parents' Review, the Bookman, the Strand Musical Magazine, the Pall Mall Magazine, the Author, the Strand Magazine, the Ladies' Kennel Journal, Cassier's Magazine, the Archi- tectural Review, the Magazine of Art, Sunday Hours, the Mission World, the Land Magazine, Science Progress, the Law Quarterly Review, the Lady's Realm, the Geographical Journal, the Photegrans, the North American Review, the Navy and Army Illustrated, the Journal of Education, Cosmopolis, Mothers in Council, the American Book Buyer, the Badminton Magazine, the Month, the New Century Review, Nature Notes, the Atlantic Monthly, the Indian Magazine and Review, Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute, the Railway World, Political Science Quarterly, International Journal of Ethics, Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, the Economic Journal, the Hypnotic Magazine, the Commonwealth, the Uni- versity Magazine, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, and the Compleat Angler (Parts 12 and 13).
(For Publications of the Week, see next page.)