Sm,—Mr. Israel Cohen's letter begs the issue. The passengers on
the `Strurna ' were Rumanians, i.e., they were enemy aliens. It would have been a criminal act on the part of the British authorities to allow a large number of enemy aliens to enter Palestine. Mr. Cohen objects to the entry of Poles, Greeks and Yugoslays to the same country. These people are members of nations who are engaged, as actively as possible, in helping the Allied cause They are friends and effective friends too. The fact that the Struma ' victims were members of the Jewish faith is totally irrelevant to the question. Had they been Catholics, Mohamme- dans, or members of the Greek Church they would have been regarded simply as Rumanians and therefore enemies
It is high time that the accident of a person's religious belief should no longer be sufficient to grant him, or her, immunity from the operation of the law as it applies to ordinary nationals.—Yours truly,