10 APRIL 1959, Page 23


SIR,—It may be 'clear' to Mr. Lee that there was no historical resurrection, but was it 'clear' to St. Paul? St. Paul says that he does believe in it. If he did not so believe and instead held Mr. Lee's belief, why did he not say so? After all -Mr. Lee's beliefs are merely the stock-in-trade of half a dozen mythological religions of St. Paul's day, with whose jargon he, along with every other educated man of the day, must have been conversant. It was much more comfortable to preach these religions, which aroused no opposition, than it was to preach the challenging gospel of Christianity. It is hard to see why any man should have wished to preach Christianity at that time if he did not believe it to be true, and harder still to believe that if St. Paul had had no more to say than Mr. Lee has to say, his gospel would have either shotked or conquered .the world.—Yours faithfully,


Claveys, MeW,, Nr. Frome