10 APRIL 1971, Page 31

I have ob5ercre(1 that America, the World/AIL -theligericans condemned a

Teify- Soldier for rao54; _owe/Ault of We4ex.n. Nakions,is Murders comet ifed, in teWar,which had, unforfuaately mucii. concerned 614the 'grid should/ '.come to 14i. Th.eilme±ican Governors were tincarfect not See if as Sucli,1914 rafilex as the of their i511 to expi2ife the Sill9 , pc ioaL Embodimentto£ Freedom 14,4 for when 4he Scap &Boa W■ft6 clriiren_. into Desert universal KinSl ness,TheNeces sifir of ci Unive ts t Di50,Tprol9ailon, they e_ecteol

ressin9 -their oun9 men into the A n followhim claining Guilt as their own by ar inacle e ..)Ilaintext.ance of this No Rime cola miry- -thekrtm.r.ican.11:e5ident bi5 Illusion,orTm age, particularly clifficuli, task of_ clefenclitn of Sgeech,viiile at the