The smartest fellow in the Easter parade
I was having a suit fitted. There was a knock on the door and the fitter went away to answer it. I heard him talking to a youth v ith an unbroken voice. telling him, nicely enough, to go away and return after lunch. The fitter came back to me and explained: 'He's crippled, all twisted. He wants a pair of trousers made for him before Easter. His mother said he could have a pair made. None of the other tailors could be bothered, the week before Easter. Afterwards would he too late. His mother is going to take him to Lourdes for Easter. I said I would do him the trousers.' The tailor-fitter twisted himself. 'He's like this. He uses sticks. He w,Ink his trousers to have flared bottoms. When he told- me this 1 said to him, "You'll he able to get all the girls, with flared trousers." "That's what I want. that's the idea," he said to me. I said I would see that he got his trousers is time, even if I have to cut them myself.'