The Lord Chancellor gave judgment in Mr. Dyce Sombre's case
on Thursday. Mr. Sombre had petitioned that the commission of lunacy obtained against him might be superseded : the Chancellor has dismissed this petition—he considered that the lunacy of Mr. Sombre was proved by the highest authorities.
At Marlborough Street Police-office, on Wednesday, Mr. Parkyn, the proprietor of a shawl-warehouse in the Quadrant, was charged with an assault on Miss Starr. This young lady went into the shop to purchase a shawl which was marked at a very low price in the window ; and having once got it into her hands, she was unwilling to part with it "to be put in paper," as she feared it might be changed for an inferior article. Mr. Parkyn, assisted by a shopman, violently took it from her, and grossly abused her. The Magistrate said it was evident the shawl -was marked at a price at which it was not intended to be sold; and Mr. Parkyn was fined 41.
Mr. Belaney, the surgeon charged with the murder of his wife, was committed for trial on Wednesday, at the Thames Police-office.
The convict Dalmas has been removed, by order of the Secretary of State, from the Millbank Penitentiary to the Insane Ward of Bethlem Hospital, there to be confined during the Queen's pleasure as a lunatic.