10 AUGUST 1844, Page 20

Friday, Aug. 9.


Kinsey and Sykes, Mirfield. Yorkshire, scribbling-millers-Wharam and Fletcher. Liverpool. tobacco-manufacturers-Foord and Hemingway. Halifax, linendiapers-A. and L. Gill, Warrington, corn-dealers-Gay and Irving. Dranllyn, Monmouthshire, schoolmistressesCrisp and Smith, Ipswich, clothiers-Lancaster and Mortimer, Tong. machine-makers-G. and C. S. Bawtree. Colchester, distillers-Rusliton and Haworth. Blackburn, cotton-spinners -Forsaith and Johnson. Edgeware Road, milliners-Tattersall and Dickson, Manchester, architectsGriffin and Hillhouse. Beal's Wharf. Southwark, wharfiugers-Ashworth and Chadwick. Manchester. commission. agents-S. and S. Rawlins, Birmingham, bide-merchants-Meller ancljBerey. Bahia, commission-merchants-H. and G. Temple, Uxbridge, drapers-Patterson and Anderson. Salford, bleachers-T. and W. F. Billings. Cheltenham, attornies-Pinder and Lambe. Exeter, slopsellers-Worm and Terry. Watton, Norfolk, veterinary-surgeonsGardiner and Gray. Glasgow, silk-mercers.


Chancellor. Wrentham, Suffolk, tailor-Green, Camden Town, omnibus-driverWells. Worcester Street, Wapping, coal-meter-Hayes, Great Chesterfield Street. bookbinder-Macklin, Tottenham Court Road, linendraper's-assistant-Ilenderson, Neston, Cheshire, Major in the army-Nunn. Cambridge. out of business-Barber, Cambridge. carpenter-Yarworth. Newland. Gloucestershire, farmer-Sykes, Halifax, surgeon-Vernon. Manchester, joiner-Dean. Halifax, hairdresser-Durham. Blackburn, tin-plate.worker -Sharpies, Blackburn, farm-labourer-Smith. Newent. Gloucestershire, timber-agent-Boorman, Canterbury. baker-May. Speldhurst. Kent, out of business-Helliwell. Halifax, bootmaker-Pease, Margaret Street. Stepney, clerkHopwood, Broadwall Gardens. Lambeth. hatter-Lancashire. Manchester. joinerFry„ South Street, Chelsea. cheesemonger-Warner, Carlton Place, Stoke Newington, grocer-Field, Bromley, Yorkshire, publican-Lawson, Doncaster, brewer.


KENNEDY, F., New Bond Street, stationer.


Drxow, Hewer JECKS and Jonas. Kidderminster. carpet-manufacturers, to surrender Aug. 22. Oct. 1: solicitor, Mr. Winton, Kidderminster; official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. ELBE, Joseyn, and Drams, WILLIAM, Kingston-upon-Hull. millers, Aug. 23, Oct. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Tilson and Co. Coleman Street; Messrs. Wells, Hull; Messrs. Horsfall and Ilan-Non. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.

ham, Jaws, Cheltenham, ironmonger. Aug. 27. Oct. 3; solicitor, Mr. Styles, Cheltenham; official assignee. Mr. Miller, Bristol,

YEARDLEV. Joint and Co. Ecclesfield, fiat-spinners. Aug. 22, Oct. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Co. Gray's Inn; Messrs. Leeman and Clark, York ; Mr. Bond, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Frame, Leeds.


Sept. 6, Jones, Llaurwst, Denbighshire, druggist.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting. Aug. 30, Burton, King Street, Soho, upholsterer-Sept. 3, Levet, Soham, Cambridgeshire. carpenter-Aug. 30. Christophers. East India Chambers, Leadenhall Street, merchant-Aug. 30, Dixon, Sheffield, linendraper-Aug.130, T. and T. Humphrey, Kingitau-upou Hull. shipwrights-Sept. 3, Smith, Leicester cabinet maker-Aug. 30, Griffiths, Chelford, Cheshire, innkeeper.

2u be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Aug. 40. Williams Sutton Street, York Road. Lambeth, furrier-Alden, Oxford, stationer-J. and S. Owen. Sheffield. merchants-Knight, St. James's Walk, printer-Hopkins, Stapleton. Gloucestershire, miller.


Mien, Leeds, oil merchant ; first div. of Is. 64. any Tuesday after Aug. 13; Mr. Hope, Leeds-Appleton. Liverpool, merchant ; div. of 3s. 6d. Aug. 10. or any Saturday after Oct. 5; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-White, Liverpool, merchant ; fifth div. of 3d. Aug. 10, or any Saturday after Oct. 5; Mr. Bird, LiverpoolParker, Manchester. hop. merchant; • first and final div. of 61d. Aug. 13; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Griffiths. Chelford, Cheshire, innkeeper ; first die. of 8s. 6d. Aug. 13; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Hewitt, Manchester. 'victualler ; first div. of 9s. 10}d. Aug. 13; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-C. S. and W. Hey wood, Manchester, warehousemen ; final dir. of lid. Aug. 14, and every subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Poll. ManchesterWarren. &amen Fee. Cheshire, blacksmith ; first aud final dir. of 10s. 9d. Aug. 14, and every subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5: Mr. Putt. Manchester-L. and J. Rostron, Edenfield, Lancashire, manufacturers ; third di,. of 11d. Aug. 14, and every subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Poll, Manchester-W. and J. Sharrocke. Manchester, machine makers; final div. of Id Aug. 13, Oct. 8, or any subsequent Tuesday: Mr. Fraser. Mauchester-Papillou, Leeds, wine-merchant ; second and anal di,. of 5d. any Tuesday after Aug. 13; Mr. Hope. Leeds.


Her, S., Glasgow. farmer. Aug. 13, Sept. 3. Joisurrox, R., Glasgow, rag-merchant, Au . 12, Sept. 2.