Pro THE EDITOR OP THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Stn,—The saying about God having no need of human ignor. ante, mentioned in your article on " Learned Bishops " in the Spectator of August 3rd, will be found in South's sermon on " Ecclesiastical Policy the Best Policy." The reference in Tegg's edition of South is Vol. I., p. 66, and the words run as follows :—" I confess, God has no need of any man's parts or learning, but certainly then He has much less need of his ignorance and ill behaviour." Both the sermon in which this passage occurs and the one "which follows it, entitled "The Duties of the Episcopal Function," preached at the consecra- tion of Bishop Dolben of Rochester, are worth reading in con•
nection with your article.—I am, Sir, &c., H. W. R.