It seems certain that a new complication is appearing in
the already confused affairs of - the Balkan Peninsula. The Hahommedan. Albanians are convinced that Austria means to attack, them, and are looking for help:to Montenegro; and the Itinf.enegrin Prince, who .wants to spread , eastward, not Only fans this apprehension, but stirs up the sleepless jealoasy of Italy as to the fate of Albania, which she regards as her security for her Balkan trade. It is even stated by the correspondent of the Times at Vienna that Italy is moving her fleet, or part of her fleet, as a " demonstration " in the Adriatic, and that Venice is to be fortified. We fancy that much of all this agitation is due to dreams founded on the King's marriage to a Montenegrin Princess, but it is true that Turkey, Italy, and Montenegro are much excited about Albania, that a great movement is expected there, and that Austria is not likely to tolerate disorder so near her frentier. Whether _after all Albania will explode depends on internal circumstances which are fully known perhaps to no human being.