As we go to press on Friday afternoon a Parliamentary
paper is published giving the text of a proclamation issued by Lord Kitchener putting the war on a different footing for the future. After recounting facts showing that hostilities have degenerated into a guerilla war, Lord Kitchener warns all the Boer Commandants, Field-Cornets, and leaders now in the • field, and all members of the late Govern- ments, that they " shall, unless they surrender before September 15th next, be permanently banished from South Africa ; the cost of the maintenance of the families of all burghers in the field who shall not have surrendered by September 15th shall be recoverable from such burghers, and shall be a charge upon their property, movable and im- movable, in the two Colonies." We give the gist of the proclamation, but must reserve our criticism till next week. We may say generally, however, that we have always believed that it would be wise to fix a day after which hostilities must enter on a new phase.