The friend who spoke of seeing blue hares on the Derbyshire hills hastened to assure me again that this was so. He had seen two more at the weekend and was convinced that they are common, although his father who had lived in Derbyshire for a good number of years had never seen blue hares there. By way of confirmation I had a letter from the owner of a moor who writes ; 'There is no doubt at all —there are a great many blue hares on the moors in N. Derbyshire, especially on those above and round the Derwent Dams. Two have been shot on my moor—Abney, which is one of the most southern of the Peak moors. Others have been seen on the moor.' Since mentioning the subject I have spoken to several friends about the range of the blue hare but none had more than a vague idea of the blue hare living 'north of the Tweed.' It is quite evidently a native of England as far south as Derbyshire, and may be known in other parts.