10 DECEMBER 1859, Page 1

A certain strain is put upon international relations in many

parts of the world, after a fashion which, if we were sanguine, we _might expect to stimulate a decisive improvement in inter- natiStnal jurisdiction. Spain continues her war upon Morocco, but not by any means in a triumphant style. No doubt severe losses have been inflicted upon the Moors,—but sustained also by the Spaniards ; and although the Europeans seem likely to be victors in the contest, if they have perseverance enough,—and the national feeling at present promises no small amount of per- tinacity,—yet the state of Morocco,—its extensive territory, the autocratic form of Government, the ardent fanaticism of its tribes, the adventurous character of the people,—are all circum- stances of a character to render actual conquest difficult, and complete victory without conquest nearly impossible. It is said that the Spaniards have been compelled to retreat within their own lines ; General O'Donnell is also expected to return to Spain ; and active operations, it is supposed, will be given up "for the winter." Not a very happy method of meeting the impatience in the Spanish market for a speedy importation of victorious intelligence !

Meanwhile some agent of Spain in Brussels has been putting forward a report that the British Government had been pressing the Spanish for payment of an old standing claim on account of military stores furnished during the war of independence. The claim, indeed, had been revived ; but it was by Lord Malmes- bury in the late Government, and before the Spaniards had com- mitted themselves to war with Morocco. Spain, it seems, is half inclined to treat the national creditor and the infidel ag- gressor as being equally inimical and deserving of denunciation.

In another quarter of Europe unsettlement appears to increase : the reports from Hungary announce no pacification. On the contrary, probably exceeding their instructions, but acting in the spirit of the recent Mtramontane policy at Vienna, the Roman Catholic authorities have seized a Lutheran Bishop, and he has disappeared. It is an incident which, coupled with the general commotion amongst the people which we described last week, is calculated to place the Hungarians in direct antagonism to their imperial Government. But while the circumstance must tend to create annoyance, if not alarm in Vienna,—and while, should affairs turn out badly at Paris, it certainly contributes to the materials for a general conflagration in Europo,---it is amongst the incidents of the clay which lend a sort of moral pressure to make good use of the Paris Congress..

Again, in a totally opposite quartz, the diplomatia difficulty almost inevitably must lead to a firmer basis for the future settle- ment of similar questions. The report from the United States, that General Harney had retired from San Juan in disgust at the appearance of General Scott, has been qualified by another state- ment on behalf of our own Government,—that it has been agreed upon with the Government of the United States to hold the dis- puted_ territory absolutely neutral, without any formal occupa- tion on. either side, until the title of ownership shall be defini- tively settled.