The third "Popular Concert" at St. James's Hall on Monday
even- ing, was signalized by the appearance of Miss Arabella Goddard and Mr. Sbns Reeves, neither of whom had been heard for a considerable time. The fair pianist played one of the most brilliant and difficult pieces ever written for the instrument, Woelft's famous Sonata called by him the " Ne plus ultra," as a challenge to the rest of the world. She executed it with an ease which would have surprised him, and a bril- liancy which he himself could not have excelled. We need scarcely add that she was received with all the customary enthusiasm. Reeves, whose voice was in a state of health which we hope will continue, sang two of Mozart's finest airs, from the Clensenza di Tito and Don Giovanni, mid had a similar reception. The hall was crowded-always the case at these concerts.