The Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia. Vols. X. and XI. (Times
Book Club. .23 3s. net.)—Those who observe the "Note " prefixed to the quarterly parts of the " Oxford New English Dictionary" will remember that the Century Dictionary makes a favourable appearance in the comparative figures there given. In these two volumes wo have a valuable supplement. The Dictionary itself was published in 1889-91, and showed a number of words and phrases far in excess of all previous publications. The nineteen years that have since elapsed have enriched and enlarged the language by many terms ; here we have a very painstaking and complete effort to supply the need thus occasioned. Such words as "radioactivity," "aeronautics," " serumtherapy," and the like obviously require new definitions. A large and competent staff of experts has been brought together to supply this need. The volumes are illustrated throughout.