- friisVirers to 'enerat . Knowledge Questions 1. The adjutant—a gigantic crane—about
five feet in height and a native of India.-2. The centre court at Wimbledon—the turf being brought from the banks of the Solway Firth.-3. Beginning of the eighteenth century (1720).-4. Disraeli.-5. Whalebone. —6. Seven tons.-7. Because of the black spots which covered the skin at certain stages of the disease.-8. From the fact that the emblem of the highest order of Knighthood in England is a dark blue ribbon has arisen the custom of applying it to the most valued prize to be obtained in a profession or form of sport. 9. (a) The founding of the German Empire (the King of Prussia being proclaimed Emperor :of Geireany in -1871) ; (b)- The fall of the German Enipire (tho signature of the Peace in -June, 1919). Both took place in this gallery.-10. Charles The world- famous German card catalogue—the main part of the Iterlin police machine—containing information of every individual. 12.