10 DECEMBER 1927, Page 39


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The general strength and cheerfulness of markets is, how- ever, all the more noteworthy in view of the continued flOw Of fresh capital issues. Already the flotations have far ix- Ceeded the figures for last year, the total for the- first eleven. Months of this year, according to the figures compiled by the Midland Bank, being about 2286,000,000 as compared with, Only 2238,000,000 for the corresponding period of last year.• Last week I referred to the impending Palestine Loan, and While the terms were certainly favourable it' looks from the: extraordinary success achieved and the high premium since: established as though the loan had received specially strong, support from the Jewish element. Other flotations of the week: have been largely in the industrial class, and for the most part' have met with considerable success,

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