Sir: Martyn Harris is wrong to ascribe farci- cal demands
to the Rampage Trust in his silly and offensive piece. The reasonable and realistic goals I faxed him did not fit in with his thesis, so he made up a list of his own.
We do not, of course, conform to his perception of what he chooses to call 'the disabled lobby', peopled in his imagina- tion by wheelchair-dancing lesbians and insufferable advocates of political correct- ness. On the contrary, we are a group of people, some disabled, some not, who run businesses .and see positive commercial reasons for improving the built environ- ment by making it more accessible for dis- abled people.
We believe in a long-term strategy of investment designed to get the maximum number of skilled people working, paying taxes and disposing of their income to the benefit of society as a whole. We further believe in a meritocracy, and find it dis- tasteful that employers can legally discrimi- nate against people solely on the grounds of disability, a disgraceful situation of which Harris approves.
He also deliberately ignores the rele- vance of access improvements to an aging population, but then he probably thinks old people should not have any rights either.
Richard Whittington
Rampage, 57 Melody Road, London SW18