Tuesday, Feb. 6.
Crocker and James. Bath. linendrapers-Rubin auil Co. Wilson Street, Finsbury, preserved provision manufacturers-Cordy aud Wright, Brighton. wine-merchants - Wilson and Co. Stockton, mercers; as far as regards T. R. and W. Wilson-Spencer and Wood, Goswell Street, rakers -Gell and Haves, Carbon Chambers, attornies- Blott aud Perry. Shoreditch, butchers-Russell and Lamb, Oxford Street. lace-dealers -W. C. and F. Plant, East Redford, hatters-J. and H. Smith. Steward Street, Sakai- fields. silk maunfacturers-T. and J. Crook, Cannon Street Road, linendrapets-Chat- teeny and Co. Stratford-upon-Avon, wine-merchants-' as far as regards J. Russell junior-J. and 'T. Kidney, Portsea, drapers-Rice andCowdery. Newport, :Morales- Thornton and Co. Hull, slaters-Blacker and Chamberlain, Mid:sumer Norton, Somersetshire, brewers-J. A. and H. J. Lee, Northfieet, brick-makers -Overton and Marshall, Leicester, manufacturers of hosiery-Graves and Warmsley, Pall Mall, prinisellers-Umpleby and Palmer, Holborn Hill. woollendrapers -Bogue and Purees, Berwick-upon-Tweed, drapers-Chap. and Josset. Liverpool, professors of dancing- Owen and Tiaterton. Liverpool, attonnes -Turner aand Co. Leicester. hosiery-manu- facturers-Ellis and Gideon, Mioories, slopsellers-Kampf and Hornfeck, South Audley Street, tailors-W. and J. Sutcliffe, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners- Holmes and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers -Strong and Hall. Upper Thames Street- Boyne and Son. Leeds, tobacco manufacturers-Heron and Benham, Uxbridge, wine- merchants-Meudez and Season. Liverpool, merchants.
Ginder. junior, Compton Street, Islington. out of business-IL Hemming. Birmingham. coachman-Terry. Maidstone, saddler-Brown. South Shields, miller-Young. Rother- ham, out of business- Ogborn. Feltou. Gloucestershire. butcher-Parsons, Great Port- land Street. out of business-Seabrook, Rochford. Essex, police-officer-Bennett, Albert Street, Pimlico, milliner-Bacon and Wayman, Barbican, wire-workers- Roberts, Hartlepool, butcher-Swale, Toth, surgeon-Lord, Huddersfield. out of business - Newsome, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool comber - Hemsworth, Sherburn, Yorkshire, farmer-Sigrist, Great St. Thomas Apostle, tin.plate.worker-Bailey, Bingley. Yorkshire. farm-servant-Cramer. Regent Street, Lambeth, out of business -Russell, Union Street, Borough. plumber-Plowright. Pinchbech, Lincolnshire, publican -Chidlow, Wem, victataller -Grove, Oxford, Cook-Steward, Wych Street, victualler -Leppock, otherwise Cappel, Baynes Row, Cold Bath Fields. milliner- Pass junior, Sheffield. overlooker of a colliery-Crane, Greek Street, brewer's servant -Jones, Kingsland Rued. out of employment-Johnson, Parker's Row, Bermondsey. pork-butcher-Simpson, Manchester. tailor-Wilson, .Macclesdeld, out of business- W. Hemming, Birmingham, coachman.
Brzmworcos, Seism., Birkenhead, Cheshire, woollendraper, to surrender Feb. 20, Match 19 : solicitors. Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; Mr. Minshull, Liver- pool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
CHAPMAN, RICHARD, Scortou, Yorkshire, innkeeper, Feb. 20, March 26: solicitors, Mr. Close, Furnival's inn; Mr. Huntou, Richmond; Mr. Teale, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. EWART, JOHN and GEORGE. Neweastle•upon-Tyue, auctioneers, Feb. 19, March 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Brooksbank and Fast, Gray's Inn Square; Mr. Brown, Newcastle- upon-Tyne ; official assignee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne. GREGORY, THOMAS. Poulshot, Wiltshire, miller, Feb. 23, March 20: solicitor, Mr. Austie, Devices; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Bristol. HARDLEY, Joust. Newport, Isle of Wight, miller, Feb. 15. March 19 : solicitors, Messrs. M•Leod and Steuuing, London Street, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. HILLASI, Parsers, Cambridge Terrace, Edgware Road, ale-merchant, Feb. 20, March 26: solicitor, Appleton, Fenchurch Buildings; official assignee, Green, Aldermanbury. HONE, ROBERT, Hatton Garden. stationer. Feb. 15, March 15 : solicitor, Mr. Caitlin. Ely Place. Hatboro; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. LANGRIDOE, THOMAS, Tonbridge Wells. Keut, auctioneer, Feb. 13, March 20: so- licitor. Mr. Manning. Craven Street ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basinghail street. MOORE, JOSEPH, Tamworth. Warwickshire, draper, Felt. 16, March 26: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street. OGSTON, blear, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, watchmaker, Feb. 16, March 21 : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr Graham, Coleman Street. REMBY, CHARLES. Stamford, miller, Feb. 14, March 20 solicitors, Mr. Jackson. Stamford ; Mr. Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy. Birmingham. SMITH, Nom. Thomas junior, Lime Street, shipowner, Feb. 20, March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Clayton and Cookson, Lincoln's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street, SorroN, CHARLES, Southampton, grocer, Feb. 13, March 15 : solicitor, Mr. Olderddsr, King's Arms Yard, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street.
Tuaterstiv. Marrnsw. Wolverhampton, timber-dealer, Feb. 13, March 15: solicitors, Messrs. Philips and Bolton. Wolverhampton; official assignee, Christie. Birmingham. TIEDE, HENRY. Hertford. carpenter, Feb. 13. March 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Thomp- son and Co. Salters' Hall ; Messrs. Nicholson and Longmore, Hertford ; official assiguee, Mr. Peunell. Basinghall Street. Wer.rou. Gauen. Stockton ou-Tees. wine-merchant. Feb. 19, March 18 : solicitors, Messrs. Dimmock and Btarbey, Size Lane ; Mr. Steavenson, Darlington ; official assignee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-T) n. WHITE, 'Novas, Regent Street, Marylebone. lace-dealer, Feb. 13, March 20 so. Ashurst, Cheapside ; official assignee, Lackiugtou. Colemau Street Buildings. DIVIDENDS.
Feb. 27, Molyneux, Lombard Street. watch maker-March 2, Thornton, Birstall, machiue. maker- Feb. 29, Knight. Rugby. ironmonger-Feb. 29, Alberto°, Man- chester, flint-glass manufacturer-Feb. 28. Raleigh and Goode, Manchester, merchants -Feb. 29. Rabey, Redruth, Cornwall, leather seller-Feb. 29. Gage, Delvertou, Somersetshire, carpenter-Feb. 28. Lane, Derby. iunkeeper. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Feb. 27, Reynolds. Mitcham, silk print r-Feb. 27, Parker. Rotherhithe. linen- draper-Feb. 27, Smith. Dareeth. Kent. carpenter-Feb. 27, Wesley, Long Buckby. Northamptonshire, baker-Feb. 28. Atkins. Shoreditch, tobacconist-Feb. 28. Gore, Broadstairs, Kent, baker-Feb. 27. Allen, Waltham Holy Ceres, Essex, apothecary- Feb. 29, Kimber. North Cerney, Glocestershire, farmer- Felt. 29, Whitley, Liverpool, surgeon-Feb. 28. Cornish, Bridport, Dursehhire, painter-Feb. 27, Hadley, Walsall, Staffordshire. chemist -Marcia 2, Lawrence, Birmingham. spirit-merchant-Feb. 29, Smalley. Duxberry Mill. near Charley. Lancashire. corn-miller. ITo be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or bef re Feb. 27. Hale, Margate, bookseller -Tregaskes. Bristol, victualler- Dawson, Covent Got. den. fruiterer - Hardyman, Lute Lane. Eastche ap, merchant-T. and W. Withell, Padstow, Cornwall, ship-builders-Pouchee, Oxford Street. stationer-Dewson, Bir- mingham, victualler. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Smith, Hozton Old Town, linendraper ; div. of 6s. Feb. 7. or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Mr. Follett, Basiughall street -Phillips, Brook Street, Hanover Square. car- pet-warehouseman; div. of 2s. Feb. 7, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Basiughall Street- Cobden, Milhn Street, Dorset Square. builder ; din, of 7s. Feb. 7, or any subsequent Weduesday ; Mr. Follett, Basiughall Street- Kirkpatrick, Newport. Isle of Wight, banker ; second din. of Is. 6d. Feb. 9 and 10, or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Mr. Whitmore Basinghall Street-Lloyd, Market Deeping, grocer; first div. of 5s. on new proofs, and eccond die. of 1W. :my Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham -Mills. Birmingham. upholsterer; first div. of 6s. 2d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Harvey. Haudsacre, Staffordshire, spirit-merchant; first div. of 3s. 11d. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham -Hall. Walsall, carrier; first div. of 8d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham -Jellitoe, Bihton, ironmaster; first div. of 7d„ any Thursday; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham-Lister, Wolverhamptou, wine merchant ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Thursday, ; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham-Scott, Flint. iroumaster ; thud div. of 61d. Feb. 12. or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-GA-- don and Co. Liverprol. merchants ; first die. of 5s. 10d. and Id. Feb. 12, or any subse- quent Monday; Mr. Turuer, Liverpool -Fell. Liverpool. merchant ; div. of 81d. Feb. 12. or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turuer. Liven-sot-Woodward. Liverpool. mer- chant: third die. of 81d. Feb. 12, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Turner. Liverpool -Cleverly, Caine. builder; first die. of 2s. Feb. 7, or any subsequent Wednesday; dfir. Acraman, Bristol-Ward, Devizes. house-decorator ; div. of 3s. to those who have not received the first die. of 4s. declared Nov.10. 1843. Feb. 7, or any subsequent Wed-
nesday ; Mr. Acraman. Bristol. sceerce SEQUESTRATIONS. HOME, J., Craigie, horse- dealer. Feb. 12, March 4. Kum. R., Thornhill, Dumfriesshire,tanner. Feb. 13. March 2. M'ALPINE. C.. Glasgow, ship-smith, Feb. 12, March 4. al• Beale. R. P. and JOHNSToNE junior. D.. Glasgow, shi,t.owners, Feb. 9. March 1. OPPENI1EIM, A., Edinburgh, looking glasamauufacturer. Feb. 9, March 1. Ronntesorr, G. F., Clasp.% merchant. Feb. 13, March 12. WILSON, J., Glasg tw, baker, Feb. 12. March 4.
Friday, Feb. 9.
Lovett and Taylor. Liverpool, soap-manufacturers - Green and CodBasingball Street. woollen-manufacturers-Newbould awl Co. Sheffield, merchauts-Reyuoldsand Wood- house, Nottingham, pawnbrokers-Duggan and Jackson, Birmingharn,:cabiuet makers -Hamer sod Jones, Blackfriars Road, liumedrapers-Galloway and Co. Kineston - upon-Hull, attoruies-Headly and Sudbury. Cambridge, surgeons-Holden and Bro- thers, Milton-with-Crook, Yorkshire, farmers; as fur as regards H. Holden-Barber and Bircham. New Bridge Street. atturnies -K. and A', Liver,idge. Liverpool. wine. merchants- Sowdon and Withers. Salford, dyers-R. and F. Parke, New Melton, Yorkshire. drapers-W. and W. Pomfret, Preston, rag-merchants-Angus and Reid, Lancelot Place, Bromptou, coach-builders-W. and .1. Warbrick, Dunkinfield. Che- shire, machine-makers -Goodwin and Fitton. Manchester, spindle-makers-Bayley and Co. Ecclesfield, wire-drawers-M. and P. Arthars, West Bromwich, hoot-dealers -Miller and Co. Huddersfield, coach-builders ; as far as regards E. Kellv-Alleu said Nicholls. Bristol. carpenters-Metcalf and Sun. Leeds, dyers-Hands and Powell, Bk. mingham, ironmongers-Curme and Mondey. Dorchester, surveyors -Kerr:and Hamil- ton, Truro. drapers -Curran and Sage. Liverpool, wine• merchants -E. and G. Viccars, Kingston.uport-Hull, hosiers-Watmuff and Co. Manchester, merchants-Robinson and Pearse, Swansea, flour-factors-Hall and Wright, Dudley, surgeons. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT. Pither, Hammersmith, cattle dealer-Simmons, Hardingstone. Northamptonshire, wheebiright-Tarry, Maseby. Northamptonshire, shoemaker-Wheeler. Bugbrook. Northamptonshire, soap-builer-Wood. Great Charlotte Street. bookbinder- Copson. Grantham, hatter -Westphal. Weodstock Street. out of business-Carman, Holywell. Flintshire, tailor-Thomas. Portobello, stone-merchant -Tammond. Rotherham, out of business- Lilley. Birmingham, grocer -Iligginsou, Oxford, schoolmaster- Dawson, Chesterfield, saddler -Pad, Manchester, clothes-dealer-Browu, Waterloo Road, baker-Rolfe, Great St Helen's. wiue-cooper -Williams. New Brentford. out of busi- ness-Hargreaves. Blackburn. shoemaker-Rogers. Idelverley. Shropshire. clerk - Pritchard. South Row, New Road, tailor -Hinelicliff, Marlb rough Road. Chelsea, haberdasher-Moreau. Feckenham. Worcestershire. butcher-Bartram, St. Mary Street, Whitechapel. coach-smith. BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED. THOMAS, 0. W.. Milk Street. Cheapside„ silk-warehouseman. COULSON, .1., and PHIPPS, H., Clement's Lane, shipping-ironmongers. BANKRUPTS. ALDRED. Jotter. Nottingham. stationer, to surrender Feb. 21, March 18: solicitors. Mr. Bradshaw. Nottingham ; and Messrs. Motteram and Giddy, Birmingham ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. HETHERINGTON. JorEPH. and Co. Quadrant. lamp-dealers, Feb. 23, March 21 : anti- citors. Messrs. Clark and Davidsou, Essex Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old dewry Chambers, LEONARD. SAMUEL WALKER. Frances Street. Golden Square. butcher. Feb. 24. March 22: solicitors. Messrs. Pain and Hatherley. Great Marlborough Street ; official assignee. Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane. Lewis, WILLIAM, Bristol, carpenter. Feb. 23, March V: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Sous. Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton. Bristol, MINISTER. EDWARD. Argyll Place, Regent Street, tailor, Feb. 15, March 19: soli- citors, Messrs. Hodgson and Burton, Salisbury Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchiu Lane. Sun r. FREDERICK JAMES, St. Alban's. apothecary, Feb. 23, March 22: solicitors. Messrs. Clark and Davidson, Essex Street, Straud ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. TEESDALE, CHRISTOPHER. and TOULSON. RICHARD, Westminster Bridge Road. furnishing- warehousemen, Feb. 20. March 26; solicitors, Messrs. Sole and Sole, Aidermanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. DIVIDENDS.
March 1, Sewell, Paddington. victualler- March 1, Carpenter, Southampton, sta- tioner-March 2, Prter. Nantwich, tailor-March 2, Bell, Basfurd, Notttinghamshire, hosier-March 4. Harris, Swansea, draper-Feb. 23. Potter and Cu. Manchester. cotton spinners-March 5. R. and R. Won, Greenfield. Lancashire, merchauts-March 5, Whidborne, Liverpool, chemist-March 4. Fehr, Birmingham, draper. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day el-meeting. March 1, Carpenter, Southampton. stationer-March 1. Sewell, Paddingtcn, vic- tualler-Much I. Congreve, Peckham. dealer in patent medicines-March 2, 51 unit, Stanhope Terrace. Ilvde Park. corn-dealer - March 1, Why. Holborn Hill, laceman - March 2, Nixou, Great Portland Street, upholsterer -March 1, Chamberlain. Peck- ham, linendraper -March 1, Laybourn. Hartlepool, ship broker-March 1, Hill. Dur- ham, grocer-March 4, Greenhow. Wrexham. Denbighshire, iron-master-March 6, Jokes. Westbromwich. Staffordshire. nail-factor-March 6, Southern. Birmingham. grocer-March 8 Peters, Manchester, wine-merchant-March 1. Fawcett and Cu. Hollingworth, builders.
Is be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before March I. M'Pheason, [boater], victualler-White. Southampton. stone-masou-Martin, Moor- fields, victualler- Rolfe, Therfield, Hertfordshire. farmer-Swallow, Halifax, corn- miller-Wright. Blackmoor Street, cheesemonger -Lumley. Kirkby Fleetham with Fencote, Yorkshire, brewer-Armstrong, Greenwich. china-dealer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Hargreaves, Manchester. tailor ; final div. of 3s. Id. ou Feb. 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Pott, Mauchester-Loug. Chelsea, coal merchant; second and °eat div, of bid. on Feb. 14, and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane -But- teushaw, High Holborn. tea dealer ; final die. of 22. (making with the diva, already declared 5s. IOW.) on Feb. 14. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Humphreys. Brighton, wine-merchant ; first div. of 4s. 9d. on Feb. 14. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard -Farr. Manchester. silk- manufacturer ; second div. of ls. 104d on Feb. 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Stanway, Manchester-Stephenson. Beaerley. grocer ; further die. if 24d. on Feb. 15, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Freeman, Leeds-Ilobliceise and Co. Bath, bankers; further div. of 2s. on Feb. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19. 20. and 21; Mr. Miller, Bristol.
GILLESPIE. J. and W., Falkirk, merchants. Feb. 16, March 8.
Macau% D. and J., Barnisdale, Isle of Skye. mercbauts, Feb. 19, March 18. Morino, C., Diugwall, farmer, Feb. 14, March 6.