To be Cornets without purcbase-4th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Regimental Sergt.- Major G. Price. 5th Drag. Guards.-Regimental Sergt.-Major H. E. Fitzgerald. 1st Drags.-Regimental Sergt.-Major J. Lee. 2d Drags.-Sergt. D. Gibson. 4th Drags Regimental Sergt.-Major H. Jennings. 6th Drags.-Troop-Sergt.-Major W. Hall. 8th Light Drags.-Troop Sergt.-Major H. Harrison. 11th Light Drags. -Troop-Sergt.-Major T. R. Silver. 13th Light Drags.-Sergt.-Major F. L. Mi- chael. 17th Light Drags.-Troop-Sergt.-Major J. Duncan.
To be Ensigns without purchase-1st Foot -Quartermaster-Sergt. T. C. Brown. 4th Foot -Quarterwaster-Sergt. T. Burridge. 7th Foot-Colour-Sergt. A. Ben- nett. 17th Foot -Scrgt.-Major J. Lee. 19th Foot-Se. F. Arthur. 20th Foot -Colour-Sergt. P. Geraghty. 21st Foot-Sergt.-Major T. Vauzden. 28th Foot- Sergt.-Major J. Twaites . 30th Foot-SergL-Major J. Moon. 33d Foot- Quarter- master-Sergt. J. Thompeon, 34th Foot -Quartermaster-Sergt. R. Reny. 38th Foot-Sergt.-Major J. Evans. 41st Foot-Sergt. J. Baird. 42d Foot-Sergt.-Ma- jor W. Lawson. 46th Foot-Sergt.-Major A. Whitten. 47th Foot-Sergt.-Major T. Young. ;49th Foot -SergL-Major E. Mackay. 50th Foot-Sergt.-Major J. Lamb. 55th Foot-Quartermaster-Sergt. .1. Scott. 57th Foot-Colour-Sergt. T. Grace. 62d Foot -Quartermaster-Sergt. W. bring. 63d Foot-Sergt.-Major W. S. Maroon. 68th Foot-Sergt.-Major J. Thompson. 77th Foot-Colour-Sergt. W. Minister. 79th Foot-Quarterniaster-Sergt, W. M`Gill. 88th Foot -Quarter- master-Sergt. J. F. Grier. 93:1 Foot-Colour-Sergi. J. Gordon. 95th Foot- Colour-Sergt. J. Sexton. 97th Foot -Quartermaster-Sergt. I. Harmoud. Rifle Brigade-Sergt.-Major J. Singer.
GA.HRISONS. -Chel+es Hospital.-Gen. the Right Hon. Sir E. Blakeney, G.C.B. to be Lieut.-Governor. vice Gen. Sir A. Barnard, G.C.B. dec.
Staff-Brevet-Major E. H. F. Pocklington, Unatt. to be Deputy-Quartermaster- Gen. to the Forces serving at Malta, with the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army.
The undermentioned officers of the Royal Artillery to be promoted to the rank of Major in the Army, for distinguished services in the field, their commissions to bear date the 12th December 1854: viz.-Capt. G. R. Barker, Capt. C. T. Franklin, Capt. C. J. Strange, Capt. H. L. Cherminde. The undermentioned promotions to take place consequent upon the deaths of the following officers : viz.-Gen. Sir A. Barnard, died 17th Jan. 1855 ; Gen. Hon. A. P. Upton, died 22d Jan. 1855; Gen. J. M. Hamerton, died 28th Jan. 1855: Lieut.-Gen. Hon. H. Murray, C.B. to be Gen. ; Major-Gen. Sir J. M. Wallace to be Lieut.-Gen.; Major-Gen. J. B. B. Estcourt, being the senior supernumerary Major-Gen. to succeed to the vacancy on the fixed establishment occasioned by the promotion of Sir J. M . Wallace ; Lieut.- Col. the lion. A. Gordon, of the Grenadier Guards, to be Col. ; Major T. C. Tim- ins, of the 70th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col, ; Capt. M. Casson, Unatt. Staff Officer of Pensioners, to be Major.
Memorandum-The promotion of Capt. G. Hilliard, of the 18th Foot, to the rank of Brevet-Major, having been erroneously inserted in the Gazette of Feb. 2, 1855, has been cancelled.
. Memoranda-The Christian names of Acting Assist.-Surg. Creasy are J. G. and not T. G. as stated in the Gazette of Dec. 22, 1851. The names of Acting Assist.- Surg. Hines are D. B. Hine, and not Hines, as previously stated. Staff Assist.- Sorg. H. C. Brakyn has been permitted to resign his Commission from Sept. 21, 1954. The Commission of Lieut. W. Little, of the 88th Foot. as Adjt. to bear date Nov. 15, 1854, in lieu of Dec. 22, 1844, as previously stated. The appointment of
G. Jones, Gent. to be Acting Assist.-Surg. as stated in the Gazette of the 12th inst. has been cancelled, The Gentleman appointed to an Ensigucy in the 49th Foot, from the Cambridge Militia, on Jan 12, 1855, is J. T. Cooke, and not Cook, as then stated.
WAIL-OFFICE, Feb. 9.-2d Bert. of Life Guards-J. G. Smith, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Congreve, promoted. 6th Drags.-Assist.-Surg. R. Wilson, M.D. from the 7th Light Drags. to be Surg. vice M'Gregor, promoted on the Staff. 7th Light Drags.-Acting Assist.-Surg. A. B. F. Lynch to be Assist.- Burg. vice Wilson, promoted in the 6th Drags. 8th Light Drags.-Acting Assist.- Surg. J. W. Hulseberg to be Assist.-Surg. vice Home, promoted in the 13th Light Drags. 9th Light Drags.-Assist--Surg. C. B. Bassano, from the 70th Foot, to be Assist-Surg. vice Tuson, promoted in the 12th Light Drags. 13th Light Drags.- Assist.-Surg. A. D. Home, from the 8th Light Drags. to be Surg. vice Paynter, pro- moted on the Staff. 14th Light Drags- Assist.-Surg. T. W. Fox, 1.1.B, from the 52d Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Wigatrom, deceased. Coldstream Guards-- Lieut.-CoL F. W. H. Lord Burghersh, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt and Lieut.- Col. vice Crombie, who exchanges. Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards-IL J. Buller, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Turner, promoted. Scots Fusilier Guards-Lieut. P. Mitford, from the 51st Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. without purchase; W. R. Trefusis, Gent- to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Gregory, promoted. let Foot-W. G. Brown, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 4th Foot-To be Lieuts. without purchase-Ensign B.. A. Law, from the Royal New- foundland Companies ; Ensign C. E. B. Breton. 10th Foot-Ensign F. B. Sand- with to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Eaton, appointed to the 19th Foot. 16th Foot-Ensign J. Cooper to be Lieut. without purchase, vice H. A. Macdonald, pro- moted in the 77th Foot; Lieut. A. P. Douglas to be Adjt. vice Lyons, who resigns the Adjtcy. only. 17th Foot-Lieut. 1'. IL Brinkman to be Capt. without pur- chase ; Ensign F. C. 8. Dyer to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Brinkman; Lieut. C. M'Pherson Lobe Adjt. vice Heigham, promoted. 19th Foot-To be Lieuts. with- out purchase-Lieutenant S. H. M. Eaton, from the 10th Foot; Ensign IV. G. D. Massy ; Ensign T. B. lioneell. 20th Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Lieutenant William Cave, from the 1st West India Regiment; Second Lieutenant G. E. Francis. from the Ceylon Rifle Regiment ; Quartermaster- -Sergeant .1. Aylett to be Quartermaster, vice Bilham, who retires upon half-pay. 21st Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Lieut. R. W. C. Winsloe, from the 1'5th Foot ; Ensign Alfred Holt from the 83d Foot. To be Ensign without purchase -Ensign \V. E. Taylor, from the 59th Foot. 23d Foot-To be Lieutenants without pur.- Ensign R. II. Somerville; Ensign W. Owen; Ensign T. B. Hackett; Ensign. E.
S. Holden; Ensign C. G. Blanc. 28th Foot-To be Lieuts. without pur.-Ensign Francis Brodigan, vice Bell, deceased; Ensign C. E. B. Leonard, vice Brodigan, whose promotion on 12th Jan. has been cancelled; Ensign C. B. Higman, from the 3d West India Regiment. 30th Foot-Second Lieutenant G. M. Parsons, from the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, to be Lieut. without purchase; R. 0. Campbell, Gent. to be Ensign without purchase. 33d Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns
H. Donovan and J. D. Johnstone. 34th Foot-To be Lieuts. without pur.-Ensigns R. J. Cochrane, N. Ramsay, E. Jordan. 39th Foot-To be Lieuts. without purchase -Ensigns G. H. Young, J. G. Smyth, H. B. Newport, J. H. Murray. To be Assist.- Surgeon -Acting Assist.-Surg. C. D. Madden, vice Furlong, promoted in the 42d Root. 41st Foot-Second Lieut. J. F. Kennedy. from the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, to be Lieut. without purchase ; Lieut. J. A. Hamilton to be Adjt. vice Johnston, promoted. 42d Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns M. Hill, .1. Wilson, W. Black, W. FL Crompton, A. Ferguson; Assist.-Surg. J. S. Furlong, M.D. from the 39th Foot, to be Surg. vice Wood, promoted on the Staff. 42d Foot -Capt. J. M. Primrose to be Major, without purchase, vice P. E. lierbert, pro- moted ; Lieut. J. F. Girardot to be Capt. without purchase, vice Primrose; Ensign W. S. Richardson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Girardot. 44th Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns F.D. Walters, M. S. Smith, A. NV. Staveley,
F. Whines, A. De M. Fleming. 46th Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase- Ensigns E. Townshend, T. G. B. Atkinson, P. M. Jones, J. H. Messenger. 47th Foot-To be Lieuts. without purchase-Ensigns J. A. Bloomfield, B. N. Gar- nier, R. P. Hawkers, W. C. de Balinhard. 49th Foot-E. D. Astley, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Eustace, Promoted. 50th Foot -Capt. H. E. Weare to be Major, without purchase, vice Moller, died of his wounds. To be Lieuts. without purchases -Ensigns J. Turner, C. IL Johnson, Hon. C. C. Cbetwynd, O. A. F. Creagh ; Ensign J. Turner to be Quartermaster, vice Fortune, deceased. 51st Foot-Ensign W. D. Sladen to be Lieut. without purchase, vice S. G. Carter, promoted in the 62d Foot. 524 Foot-Assist.-Surg. W. J. Ingham. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Fox, appointed to the 14th Light Drags. 55th Foot-To be Lieuts. withoutpurchase-Ensigns S. C. de Pritchard and G. B. Coulston. 57th Foot-Brevet-Major J. A. Street to be Major, without purchase, vice Auchmuty, whose promotion on 29th Dec. 1854 has been cancelled; Brevet-Major W. Inglis to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Powell, promoted ; Lieut. G. H. Norman to be Capt. without purchase, vice Auchmuty, deceased; Lieut. T.N. Woodall to be Capt. without purchase, vice Rosman,. whose promotion on the 29th WAR-OFFICIL, Feb. 6.
Dec. 1854 has been cancelled; Lieut. R. A. K. Hugesson to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Inglis. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensign J. R. Wilmot, vice Woodall; Ensign F. S. Schomberg, vice Flugessen; Ensign Sir R. Douglas, Bart. ; Ensign S. S. Windham ; Ensign A. F. A. Slade. 59th Foot-Ensign S. L. H. H. Ffinney to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Lloyd, promoted in the 57th Foot. 62d Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensign T. Milsom ; _En- sign B.. S. kfachell. 634 Foot-Ensign A. 31. Dumaresq to be Lieut. without pur. 67th Foot-Ensign L. W. Fisher to be Lieutenant, without purehaee, vice R. P, Arm- strong. appointed to the 77th Foot. 68th Foot-Ensign E. R. F. Vicars to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Shuttlewortb, whose promotion, Dec. 1, 1854, has been can- celled ; Ensign E. Deshon to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Vicars, whose pro- motion,. Dec. 1, 1854, has been cancelled ; Ensign J. F. Sparke to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Deelion, whose promotion, Dec. 8, 1854. has been cancelled. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns Edmund P. Ethelston, J. H. C. Seymour, J. Blood. To be Ensign without purchase -R. Brocas, Geut. vice Sparke, promoted. 69th Foot-Ensign Sir H. Fletcher, Bart. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Wood, appointed to the 30th Foot. 70th Foot-Assist.-Surg. H. J. Rogers, from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Bassano, appointed to the 9th Light Dragoons. 71st Foot- To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns W. Heave, J. C. H. P. Callen, W. O'Malley, R. B. Aldridge. 79d Foot -Sergt.-Major W. Bayley to be Ensign, without purchase. 77th Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns J. F. E. P. Dodd, T. P. Harvey, W. Ennis, and James Si. Daly. 78tb Foot-Ensign A. M'Leod to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Parker, promoted in the 77th Foot ; Ensign H. G. Davidson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Gilley, promoted, without purchase, to an Unattached Company. 79th Font-To be Lieuts. without pur.-Ensigns J. M'Nair, Win. J. M. Craufurd, H.J. de Carteret, J. Young, (Adjt.) W. B.G. Cleather. 88th Foot-Lieut. G. G. Dunlevie, from half-pay 74th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Dun- ning, promoted, without purchase, to an Unattached Company; Lieut. R. Clancy, from the 98th Foot, to be Lieut. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns F. Hall, R. Verner, E. A. Perceval, J. Evans, E. Hopton. 89th Foot-Brevet-Major F. C. Aylmer to be Major. without purchase, vice Hon. C. Daly, dec.; Lieut. C. Heycock to be Capt. withont purchase, vice Aylmer : Lieut. R. Selby to be Capt. without purchase, vice Heycock, whose promotion on Jan. 26, 1855, has been can- celled; Ensign M. H. T. Lloyd to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Selby. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensign J. A. Barstow ; Ensign H. L. Harvest. J. Dunn, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lloyd. 90th Foot-To be Lieu- tenants without purchase-Ensigns C. H. S. Raitt and Sir C. Pigott, Bart. 91st Foot-Lieut. J. C. Sweny to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mackenzie, who retires ; Ensign W. R. D'Eye to be Limit. by purchase, vice Sweny; A. F. Perkins, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice D'Eye. 92d Foot-L. W. M. Lockhart, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 93d Foot-To be Lieutenants without purchase-En- signs H. C. Stirling, and E. H. D. Macpherson. To be Ensign without purchase-E. S. Wood, Gent. 95th Foot-To be Lieutenants without pur.-Ensigns C. F. Par- kinson, J. N. Crealock, G. Robertson, Hon. C. Id. II. Forbes. 97th Foot-Brevet- Major T. 0. W. Ingram to be Major, without purchase, vice Colvill, dec.; Lieut. E. A. Dawes to be Capt. without purchase, vice Ingram. To be lieutenants with- out purchase-Ensigns W. Berman (Adjt.), R. K. Little. J. Hudson ; Ensign W. Berman to be Adjt. vice Woods, promoted ; Ensign H. Wilkie, vice Dawes; Ensign W. H. C. Oates, vice Ramsbottom, dec.
Rifle Brigade-Brevet-Major C. J. Woodford to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Horaford, promoted; Lieut. E. W. Blacken to be Capt. without purchase, vice Woodford.
1st West India Regt.-Ensign G. A. Robertson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Cave, appointed to the 20th Foot.
Royal Newfoundland Companies-Ensign E. J. Cox to be Lieut. by purchase, Tice Tyler, who retires ; D. E. Daly, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Cox.
Land Transport Corps-Capt. W. E. Evans, of the 1st Bombay Fusiliers, to be Major ; Capt. W. Mayne, of the Gold Coast Corps, to be Capt. of a Division.
Staff-Capt. F. Berwick, 38th Foot, to be Adjt. of a DepOt Battalion, vice Nelson, appointed to the Staff ; Capt. R. D. Barrett, of the 19th Foot, to be Assist.-Adjt. of a Depot Battalion ; Quartermaster S. Goddard, from half-pay, 14th Foot, to be Quartermaster of a Depot Battalion.
Unattached-Major and Brevet-Lieut.-Col. the Hon. P. E. Herbert, from the 43d Foot, to have the Brevet Rank converted into substantive Rank under the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct, 1851. Major and Brevet-Lieut.-Col. E. R. Jeffreys, of the 88th Foot, to have the Brevet Rank converted into substantive Rank, Unatt. for distinguished service in the field, should be prefer it to remaining with his Regi- went, in accordance with the Royal Warrant, of the 8th Oct. 1854.
Brevet-Lieut.-Col. W. M. S. M'Murdo, Director-General of the Land Transport Corps, to have the local rank of Col. in the Army in Turkey. Brevet-Major J. D. G. Tulloch, half-pay 8ith Foot. Military Superintendent of Pensioners in North America, to have the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army. Brevet-Major H. A. Lake, of the Madras Artillery, being employed on a particular service in Turkey, to have the local rank of Lieut.-Col. in that country while so em- ployed. Capt. W. Hardy, of the 46th Foot, to have the rank of Major in the Army, for dis- tinguished service in the field.
Hospital Staff-To be Deputy Inspectors-General-Staff-Surgeons of the First Class J. R. Taylor, A. hl'Grigor, M.D., A. S. Macdonell, vice Battersby, whose pro- motion has been cancelled. To be Staff-Surgeons of the First Class -Staff-Surg. of the First Class A. Sinclair, M.D. from half-pay, vice Hart, dec. Surg. J. Payuter, from the 13th Light Drags. vice Taylor. Surg. J. Mouat, from the 6th Drags. vice M'Grigor. Sure. J. G. Wood, M.D. from the 42.1 Foot, vice Macdouell. To be Acting Assist-Surgeons-J. Read. Cent.; W. IL Muschamp, Gent.; A. J. L. Hep- worth, Gent.; G. Perry, Gent.; E. J. Hopwood, Gent.
Memoranda-The appointments of Arthur David White, Gent. and T. D. Wheat- ley, Gent. to be Acting Assistant-Surgeons have been cancelled. The removal of En- sign George Sims from the 56th to the 41st Regiment, has beau cancelled.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Feb. 6.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Brevet-Major T. Elwyn to be Lieut.-Col. vice Gilbert. retired upon half-pay ; Second Capt. the Hon. W. C. Yelverton to be Capt. vice Elwyn; First Lieut. A. Brendon to be Second Capt. vice Yelverton ; Second Lieut. L. B. Walsh to be First Lieut. vice Brendon; Second Capt. G. H. Vesey to be Capt. vice Brevet: Major Swinton, deceased ; First Lieut. J. de Haveland to beSecond Capt. vice Vesey ; Second Lieut. P. D. Le P. Trench to be First Lieut. vice De Havirand.
The dates of commissions of the undermentioned officers have been altered as follows, via-Capt. C. J. Strange, Second Capt. E. J. Bruce, First Lieut. C. R. Franklin, to 3d Jan. ; Capt. Hon. W. C. Yelverton, Second Capt. A. Brendon, First Lieut. L. P. Walsh, to 6th Jan.