10 FEBRUARY 1855, Page 18


Tuesday, February 6.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Symonds and Jones. Liverpool, ship-store-dealers- Hirst and Sons, Builder-Arid, wool-staplers ; so far as regards M. Hirst-Gibbs and Vandergucht, Welliegborough, manufacturers of patent articles-Cuthbert and Wotherspoon, Cheapside-Walker and Standen. King William Street, City, grocers -Frost and Co. and Aekbam and Mosforth, Sheffield, and New Y ork, merchants- Simmonds and Co. Maididnue, corn-merchants ; so far as regards T. Flint-Whit- taker and Ward, Manchester, engravers to calico-printers-Cawley and Co. -Fore Street, printers-Gledhill and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-merchants-Wood and Co. Northumberland Wharf, Strand, coal-merchants ; Wines and Co. Coal Exchange, corn-factors; Holden and Co. Mitcham, brewers -Latchmore and Co. Leicester, manufacturers of fancy hosiery-Howat and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-mer- chants; so far as regards E. Howat- Hunter and Co. Sunderland, merchants-Hugh and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, chemical-manufacturers ; so far as regards R. Bur- nett-L and E. Lowe, Birmingham, coach-harness-furniture-platers-Wilson and Co. Whitehaven, sail-cloth-manufacturers ; so far as regards J. Dobson-Kynnersley and Shentou, Uttoxeter, cork-manufacturers-Gill and Wright, Nottingham, lace- agents -Beasley and Co. Torquay, wine-merchants-Ashforth and Co. Sheffield, steel-manufacturers ; so far as regards T. Fishbourne-Liley and Cox. Gutter Lane, commission-agents-Franklin and Barker, York, whitesmiths-Goodiff and Vernon, Chertsey, nurserymen-Rowland and Sons, Oldham, cotton-spinners ; so far as re- gards B. Roe land-Aldams Mill Company, Dewsbury; so far as regards E. "Leming- way-Maclintock and Co. Barnsley, stay-manufacturers.

Beseauers.-Dexiat KEEN. Hillingdon, brick-maker, to surrender Feb. 18 March 20: solicitors, Paterson, Bouverie Street; Woolls, Uxbridge; official aa- - signee, Graham, Coleman Street-ISAAC PoTmECART and WILLmn Svaaa, Nutshal- ling, Southampton, boarding-house-keepers, Feb. 14, March 20: solicitors, Yenning and Co. Tok.enhouse Yard ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-DAvm Messer, Herne Bay, sbip-owner, Feb. 16, March 21 : solicitors, Linklaters ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Janes Fr Ercirea CAMPBELL, St. Peter's Alley, Cornhill, ship-broker, Feb. 16, March 20: solicitors, Turnley and Luscomb, Cannon Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street -GEoRoR KENNEDY GEESLIN, Grafton Street East, white-zinc-manufacturer, Feb. 16, March 23: solicitors, Law- rence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-Wis- Lux Cams-roes:ma HARDY, Hillingdon, plumber, Feb. 16, March 23: solicitors, Crouch, Gray's Inn Square; Gardiner, Uxbridge ; official assignee, Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street --Cumturs HASELDSN, Wigmore Street, bookseller, Feb. 17, March 23: solicitor, Kinsey, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee. Cannan, Aldermanbury -EDWARD HALL, Greenwich, victualler. Feb. 16, March 16: solicitor, Pollock, Bessborough Street, Belgrave Road ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Jorm Barsimer, Birmingham, hosier, Feb. 21, March 12: solicitors, Harrison and Wood, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-JAMES BURNBLUM, Man- chester, commission-agent, Feb. 21, March 15: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.

DivrnENDs.-Feb. 28, Bethel. Riley Street, Bermondsey, victualler-Feb. 28, White, Mark Lane, merchant-Feb. 27. Essinger, Old Change, straw -bat-manufac- turer-March 9, Ashcroft, Liverpool, ship-owner-Feb. 27, Mann, Maiden Lane, Queen Street, Cheapside, lead merchant-March 6, Elding, Donington, linen-draper -March 1, Williams, Ebbw Yale, Newport, draper -Feb. 28, Norbury and Bindluss, Manchester, silk-manufacturers-Feb. 28, Perritt, Hull, scrivener.

CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, rodeo MUM be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. - Feb. 28, Cremer, Old Broad Street, wine-merchant-Feb. 27, Mortimer, Grosvenor Road, Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, builder-March 5, Derhatn and Bennett, Bristol, cabinet-makers-Starch 21, Smith, hianchester,drysalter-Feb. 28, Fletcher, Tinewortir Mill, Bury, cotton-manufacturer.

DECLARATION or DraDEND.-Pickering, Piccadilly; third div. of 58. and 15s. on new proofs, on Wednesday next and three following Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sam- brook Court.

Scorer' SECICESTRATIONS.-Knox, Glasgow, merchant, Feb. 16 -Scott, Combus- nethan, Lanarkshire, carter, Feb. 17 -Knox and Campbell, Glasgow, merchants, Feb. 16-Peacock, Hamilton, Feb. 14.

Friday, February 9.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED-C. and R. Lowe, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, grocers - ,l'attle and Reach, Bury St. Edmunds, grocers-A. and E. J. Mansley, Pennington- within-Leigh, Lancashire, rope-manufacturers-J. and W. Hogg, Friday Street, wholesale stationers-J. and J. Russell junior, Bristol, painters-Maude and Co. Wakefield, machine-makers; as far as regards J. Lee and R. Brummitt -D. and H. Myring, Etwall, Derby, plumbers-Tarn and Beare-Crossley and Co. Manchester, and IL.-tier. and Co. San Francisco, commission-merchants -Miekleburgh and Jones, Margate, schoolmasters-Dyson Brothers, Leeds, corn-millers-Collins and Co. Llangibby, farmers - Forbes and Co. Genres Street, Mansionhouse, merchants -J. and S. Keyne, Salisbury, brush-makers-Phillips and Co. Melksham, Wiltshire, clothiers; as far as regards E. W. Phillips-Hooper and Co. Oxford Street-D. and J. Thom, Pendleton, Lancashire, soap-manufacturers -Bodanan and Perry, Marsh- field, Gloucestershire, grocers-Silcock and Sims, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, manufacturers of soda-water-Beardsley and Co. Nottingham, patent hosiery fleecy manufacturers-Primrose and Son, Sheffield, glass-merchants-Barlow and Son, Gorton, Manchester, brick-makers-Beckett and Okell, Chester, mercers-Ovington and Co. l.ancliffe, Yorkshire, paper-manufacturers ; as far as regards T. Ovington- Leuis and Co. Nottingham, cork-cutters- G. and W. Knowles, Liverpool, cart- owners-Lambert and Brown, Regent Street-M'Laren and Co. Glasgow ; as far as regards P. Adam.

Hirvirarprs.-Josue ANDREWS CLARKE and JOSEPH DevisoN, Cheapside, ware- housemen. to surrender Feb. 20, March 27 : solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Joanna MONCHT014, King Street, Baker Street, victualler, Feb. 17, March 23 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Cham- bers; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Wismar( HOLLOWAY. Mill- bank Street, saddler, Feb. 22. March 23: solicitor, Withal', Parliament Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Thomas Ilimmes, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, wine-merchant, Feb. 20, March 19 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-HENRY Parse, Strand, tailor, Feb. 27, March 22: solicitor, Braddon, Gray's Inn; official assig. Johnson, Basinghall St.-CHARLEs and JAMES HEATON, Lime St. oilmen, Feb. 22, March 22 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official as- signee, Johnson, Basingliall Street-ALFRED SPENCE, Chilworth, Guildford, paper- manufacturer, Feb. 23, March 20: solicitors, Solomons, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jour BUCHANAN, Moor-ate Street. upholsterer, Feb. 23. March 20: solicitors, Allen and Nicol, Queen St.; official assignee, Lee, Al- dennanbury-Jasms and Jos CRorcu, Wimbledon, builders, Feb. 20, March 20: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-ALE-SANDER litURALDE, St. Mary-at-Hill, printer, Feb. 20, March 20: ; solicitors, Gregson and Co. Angel Court, Throgmorton Street ; official assignee, Ed. I wards, Sambrook Court-JAMES UNDERWOOD, Epsom, victualler, Feb. 21, March 24: solicitor, Young, Sergeants' Inn ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- JOHN WALTER RTALILL, Paul's Wharf, Upper Thames Street, paper-agent, Feb. 21, March 31 : solicitor, Goren, South Molten Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Ba- singhall Street-Genital( WARD Grinewr. Hammersmith. victualler, Feb. 17, March 24: solicitor, Lewis, Wilmington Square; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-James BIRD, Canton, Cardiff, lime-manufacturer, Feb. 19, March 19: solid- I tors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol -Jossen and Janes Ilmutor, Westbury, woollen-manufacturers, Feb. 19, March 20: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-JAMES Emirs, Birmingham, fen- der-manufacturer, Feb. 23, March 17: solicitor, Hass kes, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmirigharn -Esocar LEA, King's Norton, Worcestershire, gro- cer, Feb. 19, March 12: solicitor, Rusbworth, Birmingham; official assignee, Whit- more. Birmingham-Sant/EL Furrows, Sheffield, coal-merchant, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitors, lloole and Yeomans, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield-Fair- names Bemocx, Colne, Lancashire, grocer, Feb. 19, March 12 : solicitors, Atkinson, and Last, Manchester ; Carr, Coke ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-BROS:AP and Co. Burnley, cotton-manufacturers, Feb. 23, March 16: solicitors, llampsons, ' Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester-GEoacE ROCHESTER, Bishop- wearmouth. draper, Feb. 22, March 20: s■ liciters, Griffith and Crighton, Newcastle- , upon-T1 ne ; official assig. Baker, N ewcastle-upon-Tyne -WILLIAM MARTIN, New- ; castle-upen-Tyne, joiner, Feb. 20, March 14: solicitors, Hodge and Ilarle, New- ' .DITIDENDS.--Marcb 9, Willey, High Street, Borough, cabinet-maker-March 8, castle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Clerk, Kingston-upon-Thames, builder -March 8, Chatteris, Lothbury, merchant- March

3, Wallace, Calcutta, merchant-tailor-March 5, Carter, Reading, jeweller- I March 2, Plimmer, Britton Street, Chelsea, brewer-March 3, Chafer, Wolverhamp- too, chemist-March 7, Barnes, Ulverston, grocer-March 3, Ellis, Bishupsthorpe, farmer-March 2, Mills, Leeds, printer.

CEsertneeens.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 3, Handley, King William Street, Strand, victualler-March 2, Roper, Rochester, linen-draper-March 6, Wooldridge, Martin's Lane, Cannon ' Street, ship-owner-March 2, Coker, Hackney Road, stationer-March 6, Hart, Liverpool, butcher.

DECLARATIONS or DITIDM4DS- Ward, Mark Lane, corn-merchant; first div. of 2a. 5d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street -Wells, Maidstone, ironmonger; first div. of 2s. 6d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Green, Aylesbury Street, Clerken- well, grocer ; first div, of M. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury- Clarkson, Red Cross Street, boot-maker ; second div. of 21d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Nunes and Co. Hackney, merchants ; tenth and final div. of 1d. Wednesday next, and , three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Cragg, Kendal, innkeeper ; second and final die. of Ir. 4$d. (in addition to 2s. previously declar ed) any Saturday ! Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

SCOTCH Secteravamacnes.- J. R. J. and A. Faulds, Edinburgh, commission-agents Feb. 19 -J. and P. Salmon, Glasgow, thread-manufacturers, Feb. 16 -Eaton. Glas- gow, mason, Feb. 20-Walker, Glasgow, brass-founder, Feb. 20-M'Lellau, Glasgow, I coach-maker, Feb. 19-Ricketts, Glasgow, livery-stable keeper, Feb. 20-Robertson, Glasgow, nurseryman, Feb. 19.