4t Curt.
AT a Privy Council held at Windsor Castle, on Thursday, her Majesty declared Earl Granville Lord President of the Council. Lord Panmure and Mr. Sidney Herbert were sworn two of her Majesty's Principal Se- cretaries of State ; and Mr. Henry Fitzroy was sworn one of the Privy Council. A proclamation was ordered to be issued against aiding and abetting the Queen's enemies.
After the Council, Lord Palmerston had an audience, and kissed hands on his appointment as First Lord of the Treasury. Lord Panmure and Earl Granville had audiences, and kissed hands. Lord John Russell had an audience of the Queen, at Buckingham Pa- lace, at two and again at six o'clock on Saturday afternoon. In the in- terval, Lord Palmerston had an audience at three, and Lord Clarendon at four o'clock. The Queen returned to Windsor Castle in the evening. On Tuesday, her Majesty returned once more to London, and arrived at Buckingham Palace a little before one. Shortly afterwards, Lord Pal- merston had an audience, and another in the afternoon. About six o'clock her Majesty returned to Windsor Castle. The Queen held a Chapter of the Order of the Garter on Wednesday, in the Throne-room at Windsor Castle. The Knights Companions, wear- ing their mantles and collars, and accompanied by the officers of the Order, took their seats in the presmce of her Majesty, who was seated with Prince Albert on her right and the Lord Steward and Vice-Cham- berlain on her left. The Bishop of Oxford, Chancellor of the Order, having signified to the Chapter her Majesty's pleasure that the vacant stalls in St. George's Chapel should be filled, the Garter King of Arms and Black Rod introduced successively the Earl of Carlisle and the Earl of Ellesmere, who were knighted by her Majesty as a necessary prelimi- nary to their election. The Chancellor having collected the suffrages of the Knights and handed them to the Sovereign, her Majesty commanded the Chancellor to declare that the Right Honourable George William Frederick Earl of Carlisle had been duly elected as Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Lord Carlisle was then introduced by the two junior Knights, Earl Spencer and Earl Fitzwilliam, and by them conducted to the Queen, the Garter King walking before, bearing the ensigns of the Order upon a velvet cushion. Then, the Earl kneeling, the Queen, assisted by Prince Albert, took the Garter and buckled it on the leg of the new Knight ; the Chancellor pronouncing the usual ad- monition. Next the Queen took the Riband and George and threw them over his left shoulder; and the Earl kissed hands, received the congratn- lations of his companions, and withdrew. With the same ceremonies the Earl of Ellesmere, and the Earl of Aberdeen, already a Knight of the Thistle, were elected, and invested with the insignia of the Order. The Chapter was brought to a close by the Garter King calling over the names of the Knights.
The Earl of Aberdeen, by her Majesty's special command, retains the Order of the Thistle.
The ceremony was witnessed by the younger members, of the Royal Family and the great functionaries of the Household.
The Queen, accompanied by the Marchioness of Ely, drove out in a sledge on Thursday.