Lord Russell's attitude on Reform is the mostediaheartening sign of
the times to all- who wish well to the Liberal- Govern- ment. It is obvious that he has no sort of 'belief in his own- Bill. He promises only what he knows will content -no single man' among the reformers as an ultimate measure, tries 'to persuade himself 'that it is " commensurate with -the wants of 'the times,"' and cannot even manage that effectually. Mil replies to all intere. rogatorics are becoming fainter and fainter as time goes ore He was sturdy to the working classes some .months-:ago. "If the Government do not carry their measure, they will not-remain." To the Huddersfield deputation he was feeble,—tlid not quite know what the Cabinet would propose. In the House-of Lords on Tuesday he was very laiuteheartecl indeed, and Ito the:depu- tation. of the' National Reform,. Union on Thursday he was faintest-hearted of all. " The, Government would .do that which they conscientiously -thought fctr the best," was all they could get out of him. He bids fair soon to dwindle away altogether on the subject. Even now it only awakensein him the sickliest flicker of vitality. The Minister- who would carry a great constitutional reform, requires most of all things to believe strongly both in it and in himself.